Hi @eventaus,
To implement this, you need to override template file called content-single-event_listing.php from \wp-content\plugins\wp-event-manager\templates\ to your \wp-content\themes\YOUR_THEME\wp-event-manager\content-single-event_listing.php, then at your theme side file, you need to put condition to hide particular field. You can find code of additional fields in content-single-event_listing.php on line no. 111 around.
For more info about template file override, you can read this doc : https://wp-eventmanager.com/knowledge-base/template-files-override/
But, If you don’t want to override template file, then You need to take our upcoming version from git, we already provide filter for this : https://github.com/wpeventmanager/wp-event-manager/issues/1645. If you want to go with this solution then you have to add below filter into your theme/child-theme functions.php file.
// hide addtional fields block from single event detail page
add_filter('wpem_single_event_additional_detail', 'wpem_hide_additional_field', 10, 3);
function wpem_hide_additional_field($flag, $key, $field){
return false;
return true;
Thank you.