• I have several plugins that have legacy widgets, and about 11K sites using them.

    I can create a php widget in a couple of hundred lines of php code which are easy to understand and copy.

    I have spent many many many many many hours trying to work out how to transition these to blocks, but as someone who knows php, css and a bit of js, the developer manuals are just totally confusing.

    I know nothing of nvm, docker desktop, visual studio, babeljs.io Ubuntu, or the other many tools I seem to need to create something that surely is some files with links. I use Notepad++, and tortoise svn, and have little appetite at 65 to start learning a whole new toolset.

    None of the ‘examples’ I have found tells me what to actually do, they all just list lots of instructions with no ‘completed’ solution that I can use to create my own.

    My widgets typically have settings which are checkboxes or text, and then use data from the database in a wp-loop to produce the output.

    I fully understand that FSE is the way that WordPress wants to go, and would dearly love to create blocks, given that WP won’t allow legacy widgets in FSE themes.

    Someone somewhere must have a worked example of a plugin that creates a simple block that has some parameters, and runs some php code to do the output. That’s all I need, I can flex from that to create the blocks I need.

    Please if you know of this, give me a link.

    Otherwise my legacy widgets like I guess so many other plugin authors will remain of use only to those who stick with legacy themes, and that cannot be good for WordPress.

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  • Hi, @robin-w to convert your classic widgets to blocks there is this developer handbook:


    Is that the one you have tried to use?

    Thread Starter Robin W


    Thanks for your response – it is really appreciated. Yes I have read this bit.

    I kinda understood step 1, but no idea where I put the code for step 2 ‘This is done by adding JavaScript code to your block’s definition.’

    I do not know what my ‘block’s definition is or where I put this code?

    It also sems to say that I cannot have block options, indeed Justin Tadlock’s plugin X3P0 – Legacy Widget, says this is not possible – if his doesn’t do this, and if he can’t code it, I have no chance!!

    This is the confusing part – and where a completed example would really help, one which needs some php code.

    At the moment much of the developer manual is (and may well need to have) detailed steps, but they assume much pre-knowledge. I am just a guy trying to change a wheel on my car, but the developer handbook says things like ‘retrieve the wheel loosening device from the storage repository’ – I need a picture of the jack, and to know that it is in the trunk ??

    I spent a coupe of hours working through the Gutenberg examples on github, but none seemed to do anything requiring database or php.

    In essence I want to in the backend display some options – let say ‘title’ which the page author can change, and add a post_ID and say a tick box for ‘display post author’.

    then on the front end, I want to display the title and let’s say the post content from the post_ID in the database and use the tick box to decide whether to display the author from the db. This is where I would expect some php code, with say a hook from the js to return ob_clean from the php???

    From that I can work out how to do more complex stuff.

    I apologize that this sounds like a rant I really don’t want to sound like that, I am really keen to re-write my widgets properly as code blocks, but really really just need one complete example.

    I agree that the documentation is not quite where it needs to be (yet). It took me many hours of trial and error to really start getting up to speed on what you’re attempting. I’m primarily a PHP developer who’s trying to navigate this new world of JavaScript.

    Two sessions of Developer Hours covering this specific topic were held in February (they are recorded, so you can watch the older ones). There’s one more happening on March 27. I highly encourage joining that meeting and asking every question you can.

    We’re also discussing bringing some of this content to the new WordPress Developer Blog. I just left a response on a ticket to make sure that we’re tracking this forum thread. Your topic is a good one, and I want us to cover a use case that’s similar enough to yours so that you might be able to follow.

    I know this doesn’t address your problems today, but I hope it helps in the coming weeks.

    I know nothing of nvm, docker desktop, visual studio, babeljs.io Ubuntu, or the other many tools I seem to need to create something that surely is some files with links. I use Notepad++, and tortoise svn, and have little appetite at 65 to start learning a whole new toolset.

    I totally understand this feeling. Some of those things you don’t have to worry about. I still develop with a XAMPP installation (instead of Docker), for example. I’ve created blocks on both Windows and only recently moved to a Mac, so it’s doable on whatever computer you’re on.

    I’m an old-school Notepad++ user too. You can still use it, but I highly recommend Visual Studio Pro. It’s a much nicer code-editing experience (especially with JavaScript) once you get used to it. It’s really not much of a leap.

    You do need to familiarize yourself enough with Node and NPM to get them installed and feel comfortable enough with your computer’s command line tool to enter a few npm/npx commands, but you don’t need to be an expert.

    Then, I highly recommend reading A PHP developer’s guide to getting started with block development.

    It also seems to say that I cannot have block options, indeed Justin Tadlock’s plugin X3P0 – Legacy Widget, says this is not possible – if his doesn’t do this, and if he can’t code it, I have no chance!!

    I think there may be some miscommunication somewhere along the way. I believe you are referring to the note in my plugin’s description about widget options not working in the post editor when using the Legacy Widget block. That’s a specific limitation of classic widgets when being used as a block. It’s definitely possible to convert a widget into a standalone block with working options.

    Thread Starter Robin W


    Justin – Great to hear from you.

    It was looking at good code from one of your plugins in 2014 that made me think that I could do this stuff, so I have you to thank (or maybe blame) for getting me into so many hours of combined fun and often much frustration over the years ??

    I’ll read the links, and have a further play. I hate giving up, so I will work it out.

    On your plugin, in fact it was me badly phrasing – what I meant to say was for FSE themes – simply adding your plugin does not get a solution using legacy plugins that have settings, as it only takes the default, not that block widgets can’t take settings. But in any case I really want to write fully block compatible widgets rather than try and use legacy ones in blocks. That way it works for both FSE and non FSE themes, which must be the way forward.

    Having worked out how to create a plugin from the dynamic links bit (Creating dynamic blocks | Block Editor Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources) I am working at trying to amend the code to have a setting.

    But my overall feeling is that the developer code book is well written, all it needs is links to worked examples that are the finished bits of the snippets used in the docs, say in github that let a person fill in gaps, and save the dev’s writing endless repeat paras for newbie’s like me.

    So for example, the two code snippets in Creating dynamic blocks | Block Editor Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources were great but it took me another 3/4 hour to build a plugin from this. This consisted of looking through the code to find what directories I needed to create and what files went in where, deciding that the simple js version (since I know nothing of JSX) was easier to create, but also working out that the missing index.asset.php file which the plugin referred to but was not talked about or code given in the tutorial could just be a renamed build.asset.php nicked from another Gutenberg example. So just having a link to the finished plugin code would have increased my speed of understanding as I read the dev guide, and my time to get to something to work on.

    My final thought on blocks from the little knowledge I have so far is that there seem to be lots of very different ways to create these. So the example above has a js version, and a jsx version, there is some stuff from a tutorial video I watched that uses react js scripts, where I took html code and put it through babeljs.io, and then there are json files. So many ways which seem to be used interchangeably even in the dev docs, that I’m not sure if there is a wordpress recommended way to do these? Perhaps like cars, trains and planes the best method varies according to what you are trying to do, or where you are trying to go.

    Maybe after I’ve worked my way through the links, I’ll be better armed.

    @thelmachido and @greenshady – again many thanks for responding – it really is appreciated.

    now back to the code…

    I’ll accept either the thanks or the blame. ??

    I also meant to link this Learn WP course on building a block earlier. It’s a good intro.

    Thanks for further clarifying what you meant about settings. I do wonder about the following and want to make sure I’m understanding this bit correctly:

    But in any case I really want to write fully block compatible widgets rather than try and use legacy ones in blocks. That way it works for both FSE and non FSE themes, which must be the way forward.

    It sounds like you want to make a widget that works as a normal widget for classic themes and can be used, essentially, as a block for FSE themes. If that’s the case, I’m not really sure how feasible it’d be. This just may be a bit of getting our terminology mixed up too.

    What I’d do is create a custom block type that mimics the features, settings, etc. of the original widget. So, in your plugin, you’d have both a widget and block (users would simply use either one).

    And, if you wanted to go the extra mile, you’d use the link that @thelmachido mentioned earlier and automatically migrate users to the block version (this is more of a nice-to-have bonus). I’ve never actually tried this, so it’d be a good experience for me too.

    My primary focus would just be on creating a block that mimics the widget. Once that’s done, worry about any migration paths later.

    Anyway, I cannot make any immediate promises, but I can tell you that there’s some work happening around documentation and outreach (feel free to DM me on WordPress Slack if you want to chat more deeply) in this very specific area.

    Thread Starter Robin W


    My primary focus would just be on creating a block that mimics the widget.

    yes I think I am just using bad terminology. My aim is that we just have a block that does what the widget did, so is usable in a FSE theme, but also in an ‘older’ theme but one where users have gutenberg blocks- but not in a theme that is using the classic editor – if that is not just making myself even less clear.

    I have played further with the dynamic block, and combined with some other video’s I think I have something approaching a solution, early days, but looking more hopeful.

    If I get it working, I’ll come back.

    Thanks again, your input and support has really helped me feel that I can get there – this is why I love the WP community ??

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