I have the cache permanently turned off for the developer site, and on the live site the cache is turned off for the current application form. The current one on the live site has been worked on by 2 different developers, and contains a lot of inefficient code, so that’s why I decided to switch to CF7.
The developer site for the forms starts on step 1 at https://kom.capprogramming.com/apply/contact1/ and goes up to step 8 at https://kom.capprogramming.com/apply/contact8/. If I work my way to step 8 filling everything in, then go to https://kom.capprogramming.com/apply/contact2/, I get that error message. I’m using the Pro version of the plugin, and can see everything is correctly there in the session storage, which I have at https://pastebin.com/iRUvJVzw. But using the previous and next buttons everything works fine.
I can see that it does work correctly on your demo site, and I can’t figure out what’s different between yours and mine.
Here’s the code from step 2 as an example:
<label><span class="req">*</span>Do you currently have a Visa or applying for one?</label>[radio has_visa id:has_visa "Yes" "No"]
[group visa inline]
<label for="has_australian_visa"><span class="req">*</span>Do you have a current study visa for Australia / UK?</label>[radio has_australian_visa id:has_australian_visa "Yes" "No"]
<br><label for="has_other_visa"><span class="req">*</span>Are you currently applying for another type of visa to Australia / UK?</label>[radio has_other_visa id:has_other_visa "Yes" "No"]
<label for="visa_country">Which country are you applying for a visa from? </label>[text visa_country id:visa_country]
<label><span class="req">*</span>Have you ever had a travel/student Visa rejected?</label>[radio had_visa_rejected id:had_visa_rejected "Yes" "No"]
<div class="field-instructions"><strong>Note:</strong> If Yes, please contact KOM’s Admissions team to provide details.</div>
<label for="requires_disability_support"><span class="req">*</span>Do you require disability support?</label>[radio requires_disability_support id:requires_disability_support "Yes" "No"]
<div class="field-instructions"><strong>Note:</strong> If you have a disability which may affect your learning (e.g vision,
hearing impairment, mobility, health), please contact KOM’s Admissions team who will guide you
through the process of official supporting documents to receive disability assistance.</div>
<label for="family_members"><span class="req">*</span>Will you be bringing family members ex. spouse / dependents (children)?</label>[select* family_members id:family_members include_blank "No" "Dual (yourself and one dependent)" "Multi-Family (yourself and more then one dependent)"]
<label for="has_been_excluded"><span class="req">*</span>Have you ever been excluded from previous study?</label>[radio has_been_excluded id:has_been_excluded "Yes" "No"]
<div class="field-instructions"><strong>Note:</strong> If Yes, please contact KOM’s Admissions team to provide details.</div>
[hidden kc_captcha "kc_human"]
<div class="center" role="group">[previous class:btn class:btn-primary class:prevBtn] [submit class:btn class:btn-primary class:nextBtn "Next"]</div>
[multistep "2-8-https://kom.capprogramming.com/apply/contact3/"]