Hi @kevinb ,
The WordPress configuration: I have created 2 CPTs, “Event” where the user can edit and create posts. And “Restaurant”, the user can’t create new post but can edit the existing post. I also created a new taxonomy “Group”.
The idea is to create a new user role with “PublishPress Capabilities” having the permissions described above and using “PublishPress Permissions” to allow the user to view, edit, and create posts only in the “Group” taxonomy assigned to them.
The role configuration in “PublishPress Capabilities”:
– Post Editing Capabilities:
— Media: Create
Media: Create — Restaurants: Edit | Edit others | Publish | Edit published | Edit private
— Events: Edit | Create | Edit others | Publish | Edit published | Edit private
– Post Deletion Capabilities:
— Events: Delete | Delete others | Delete published | Delete private
– Post Reading Capabilities
— Restaurants: Read private
— Events: Read private
– WordPress Core Capabilities:
— edit dashboard
— edit files
— read
— upload files
The role configuration in “PublishPress Permissions”:
For example: GroupA, GroupB, GroupC (using the taxonomy “Group” linked to “Event” and “Restaurant”).
– Edit – Events – Limit to: User Group: GroupA
– Edit – Restaurants – Limit to: User Group: GroupA
About a month ago I could create posts (using the new role) and the “Group” was automatically linked to the post. But since last week, I can’t access to create a post. I tried to create a new CPT by removing the possibility to use the Gutenberg editor and it works, so I suspect a conflict with the API of the WordPress editor (Gutenberg) since the update of WordPress or the plugin “PublishPress Permissions” (if it is disabled I can create post. If only “PublishPress Capabilities” is active).
Changing the theme to a default theme and deactivating all other plugins does not change anything.
I hope to give you enough information so that you can help me and/or fix the plugin if it is the issue on your end.
Thank you ??