• I’m working with a client on a website for a yearly showcase they run. The website was created last year, with 4 pages and roughly 40 entries in a custom post type for those exhibiting at the showcase. They want to make every year’s exhibitor list and bios available, either at something like 2011.domain.com or domain.com/2011 (or anything else, really – it just needs to be available).

    Should I use Multi-Site for this and drop all the old stuff into a new multisite installation, then start fresh each year on the main site? Create a new custom post type for 2012 and keep creating new ones for each year?

    Not sure what’s the best way to go about creating this archive since the site is already in place. Using taxonomy per the year of appearance won’t work since many exhibitors will be the same and they need to be able to access the old bios and images in the archived version.

    Any ideas?

    – Matt

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