Creating and using an alternate database
Note: Related to a similar post, but with a new angle that I believe merits a fresh post)
I recently moved a development site ( to it’s permanent home ( I updated the urls in general settings.
However, despite multiple efforts to search and replace the database via Velvet Blues and Better Search and Replace, the database still contains many references to the development URL.
I’m on a cpanel setup with phpMyAdmin.
I’d like to download the database, do a S&R for the old URL and then reupload the DB.
Since this gives me the shivers, I’m wondering if I can:
1) Create a new database;
2) Do the S&R;
3) Upload the revised file to the new database;
4) Update the reference in the WP-config fileIf I screw up, I figure I just need to switch back to the original DB, right? Or am I missing something here?
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