Hi there,
There are a couple of useful hooks you can use to add fields to Categories as you are discussing.
which used in conjunction with the following hooks:
will do what you want to achieve.
A good example of this is to be found here:
and this is a code snippet from that article to get you started
//Product Cat creation page
function text_domain_taxonomy_add_new_meta_field() {
<div class="form-field">
<label for="term_meta[wh_meta_title]"><?php _e('Meta Title', 'text_domain'); ?></label>
<input type="text" name="term_meta[wh_meta_title]" id="term_meta[wh_meta_title]">
<p class="description"><?php _e('Enter a meta title, <= 60 character', 'text_domain'); ?></p>
<div class="form-field">
<label for="term_meta[wh_meta_desc]"><?php _e('Meta Description', 'text_domain'); ?></label>
<textarea name="term_meta[wh_meta_desc]" id="term_meta[wh_meta_desc]"></textarea>
<p class="description"><?php _e('Enter a meta description, <= 160 character', 'text_domain'); ?></p>
add_action('product_cat_add_form_fields', 'text_domain_taxonomy_add_new_meta_field', 10, 2);
//Product Cat Edit page
function text_domain_taxonomy_edit_meta_field($term) {
//getting term ID
$term_id = $term->term_id;
// retrieve the existing value(s) for this meta field. This returns an array
$term_meta = get_option("taxonomy_" . $term_id);
<tr class="form-field">
<th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="term_meta[wh_meta_title]"><?php _e('Meta Title', 'text_domain'); ?></label></th>
<input type="text" name="term_meta[wh_meta_title]" id="term_meta[wh_meta_title]" value="<?php echo esc_attr($term_meta['wh_meta_title']) ? esc_attr($term_meta['wh_meta_title']) : ''; ?>">
<p class="description"><?php _e('Enter a meta title, <= 60 character', 'text_domain'); ?></p>
<tr class="form-field">
<th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="term_meta[wh_meta_desc]"><?php _e('Meta Description', 'text_domain'); ?></label></th>
<textarea name="term_meta[wh_meta_desc]" id="term_meta[wh_meta_desc]"><?php echo esc_attr($term_meta['wh_meta_desc']) ? esc_attr($term_meta['wh_meta_title']) : ''; ?></textarea>
<p class="description"><?php _e('Enter a meta description', 'text_domain'); ?></p>
add_action('product_cat_edit_form_fields', 'text_domain_taxonomy_edit_meta_field', 10, 2);
// Save extra taxonomy fields callback function.
function save_taxonomy_custom_meta($term_id) {
if (isset($_POST['term_meta'])) {
$term_meta = get_option("taxonomy_" . $term_id);
$cat_keys = array_keys($_POST['term_meta']);
foreach ($cat_keys as $key) {
if (isset($_POST['term_meta'][$key])) {
$term_meta[$key] = $_POST['term_meta'][$key];
// Save the option array.
update_option("taxonomy_" . $term_id, $term_meta);
add_action('edited_product_cat', 'save_taxonomy_custom_meta', 10, 2);
add_action('create_product_cat', 'save_taxonomy_custom_meta', 10, 2);
Good luck with it ??
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
mouli a11n.