• When creating a new membership this membership is always public regardless if the checkbox is checked or not.
    I’ ve copied the Form Data from the Google Chrome Developer Tools:


    I think the parameters set_public_flag / set_paid_flag represents the values of the checkboxes.
    After I get the success message I go to the edit page of the new created membership and see that the membership is public. Why?

    Another issue is on the edit page.
    If I enter a description, I have to de- and reactivate the membership to get the value saved. All other inputs are stored by Ajax requests when I change the value. Only these textarea value isn’t saved by entering a value.

    It would be a great improvement in usabilty if I could add the description and membership order in the creation process. Also I think a sort feature like the one you found under Design->Menus would be very helpfull to users.
    Then they could drag and drop the membership onto the position they like.


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  • Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey mumbomedia,

    Hope you’re well today ??

    After I get the success message I go to the edit page of the new created membership and see that the membership is public. Why?

    Had to double check this with our developer. set_public_flag / set_paid_flag are not doing that. What you posted above is not a public membership, this is how public membership form data looks like:

    public:1   <----- this means that the membership is public
    paid:1   <----- this means that the membership is paid

    If I enter a description, I have to de- and reactivate the membership to get the value saved. All other inputs are stored by Ajax requests when I change the value. Only these textarea value isn’t saved by entering a value.

    I tested this on my end and by simply clicking elsewhere saves the description properly, see video https://screencast.com/t/2cKuFNzgoo3.

    Hope this helps ??


    Thread Starter mumbomedia


    Hi Bojan

    I’ve tried to reproduce your form data.
    If I have check both checkboxes for “register / paid” then the post contains public: 1 and paid:1.
    If I uncheck it the post doesn’t contain these post fields.
    So maybe the plugin thinks that it should set the default value because no post value is submitted.

    I believe the post with the checkboxes unchecked should contain this:

    public:0   <----- this means that the membership is private
    paid:0   <----- this means that the membership isn't  paid
    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey again mumbomedia,

    Lets leave debugging ajax calls and form data for our developer in case something like this needs to be done, I’d like to help more with this but as I am not a developer I can’t really offer more assistance on these forms.

    With that being said I’ve tested latest version of Membership 2 on two different installs and setting membership level to private worked properly. Both members trying to upgrade and visitors trying to register wasn’t able to see the level.

    This leads me to believe this is some sort of conflict so what I’d want you to do is test for conflicts. To do that please try using default WordPress theme like Twenty Fifteen and deactivating all other plugins as displayed in the following flowchart to know which theme/plugin is conflicting if any.


    Please let me know if you find anything.


    Thread Starter mumbomedia


    Hello Bojan,

    I’ve done your workflow and I am sorry to inform you, that the issue still exists.
    I have deactive all plugins except Membership 2 of course and tested.
    The issue still exists.
    Then I’ve switch to Theme Twenty Fifteen.
    Also the change didn’t solve the problem.
    Therefore it shouldn’t be a conflict.

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey again mumbomedia,

    Sorry for the late response,

    Can you please post screenshot of your membership overview page so I can see all membership levels?

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter mumbomedia


    Hy Bojan,

    because of security risks I would recommend either I send you the screenshot via email or I could make a account for you an then email your the creditials.
    Please send me your email adress to [email protected]

    Also a screenshot wouldn’t be much helpful because I’ve already correct the memberships so now all memberships are “Standard Membership, Private”.

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey again mumbomedia,

    Unfortunately we’re not allowed to post emails on the forum nor we an ask for admin access form forum members, you can find more information about that in the forum rules page here.

    With that being said what you’ve mentioned above (level displayed as Standard Membership, Private) was just one thing that I wanted to check as this means that the flag is correctly saved so the problem is elsewhere.

    What I also wanted to check is if all your memberships are private and if you have other types of memberships so I can try to test this on my end.

    If you’re uncomfortable of sharing that screenshot here you can always contact us using the contact form https://premium.wpmudev.org/contact/ using this template:

    Subject: “Attn: Bojan”
    -screenshot of membership overview page
    -link to your site
    -link back to this thread for reference
    -any other relevant urls

    Select “I have a different question” for your topic – this and the subject line ensure that it gets assigned to me ??


    Thread Starter mumbomedia


    Hey again Bojan,

    a email is sent to you.
    I am sorry your contact form doesn’t offer a upload functionality.
    I have given you a own login.
    The creditials are in the email.

    Kind regards


    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey again Alexander,

    Thanks for the clarification via email. This is definitely a bug and it relates only to the use of “Allow users to register for this membership.” checkbox on membership level creation, https://screencast.com/t/tvL1rO57. If this is unchecked membership level will still be private.

    For others having this issue please note that the option in Membership -> Edit (This membership is public https://screencast.com/t/lihIP8GCAWIM does work properly and makes the membership private if set.

    I’ve reported this to our developers so they can investigate this further.

    Thank you for reporting this ??


    Thread Starter mumbomedia


    Hello Bojan,

    the error devil was in your last post.

    Instead of “…If this is unchecked membership level will still be private…”
    is has to be “If this is unchecked membership level will still be public.”.
    Anything else wouldn’t make sense because the checkbox label is “Allow users to register for this membership.”. So unchecking it, should result in disallowing users to register for this membership. This means the membership should be private when the checkbox is unchecked else the memeberhsip is public.

    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey again mumbomedia,

    This is exactly why I said that this is a bug and that the option is not working properly.


    Thread Starter mumbomedia


    Hello Bojan,

    yes, I understand.
    But you said “…If this is unchecked membership level will still be private…”
    is has to be “If this is unchecked membership level will still be public.”.
    Hopefully now you understand me.


    Plugin Author Bojan Radonic – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey Alexander,

    The option doesn’t work properly, membership will be set as public regardless of the same option being checked or not.

    Our developers will take a look and fix this in one of the following versions.

    Thanks again for taking time to report this ??


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