• Hey all,

    I’ve recently inherited the administration of a multisite network. The problem is, I’m a designer, not a web developer, and know nothing about the nuts and bolts of creating websites, just maintaining them when I’m asked. It is a wide knowledge gap.

    I need to create a new site similar to this one: farmcrisis.nfu.org, that also falls under that nfu.org domain. I’ve tried to use a site cloner so I could copy the site and replace it the content it needs. But the cloner hangs and their support said I am having DNS issues.

    This tells me I need to roll things way, way back and get a really basic step-by-step guide for creating this new site. Assume I have **zero** development knowledge because what I do know is ad-hoc and unreliable.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Multi-site is not for the faint of heart ??
    One option is to create a new site and then use either the WordPress Export Tool (under tools on the wp-admin menu) to export from the one site and then import into the other, or to use a migration plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/search/migration/
    Please delete any migration plugins when they are not in use, as a preventative security measure.

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