Credit Card Field Blank
The credit card field is showing blank. Other payment providers worked, however, card connect is not?
Thank you.
AaronThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Please confirm you have the payment gateway activated and setup.
You should use the IFrame Option, and make sure Autostyle is on.When I visit your checkout page, after putting something in the cart, I see:,
This is done now. We were transferring to Stripe while waiting for support.
The empty field is back if you reload.
It looks like something is blocking “src” for the IFRAME’s card number field.
In the WooCommerce CardPointe settings, have you insured that the “Site” is set to “fts”?
Yes. The site is set to “fts” as well.
Okay. Will do this now. Standby…
Hi @amshishilla,
I will need to resume this tomorrow. I am leaving my desk for the evening. I will see the issue in my inbox when CardPointe sets this up for us.
Not too worry. We are waiting on our contacts with Card Connect.
We are experiencing the same issue. The credit card number field is not displaying and it looks to be an issue loading the iframe.
We’ve tried disabling all plugins, clearing caches, switched to a default theme, enabled iFrame option and also tried without.
Last order was around 7/30 so this something from the last week or two.
Inspecting in the developer panel shows this for where the card number should be output. Looks to be failedURL.
<div id="sub-frame-error" jstcache="0"> <!-- Show details when hovering over the icon, in case the details are hidden because they're too large. --> <div class="icon icon-generic" jseval="updateIconClass(this.classList, iconClass)" jstcache="1"></div> <div id="sub-frame-error-details" jsselect="summary" jsvalues=".innerHTML:msg" jstcache="2">The webpage at <strong jscontent="failedUrl" jstcache="23">&css=%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20body%20%7Bmargin%3A%200%3B%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20input%20%7B-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius%3A%203px%3B-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius%3A%203px%3B-webkit-border-radius%3A%203px%3B-webkit-border-top-left-radius%3A%203px%3B-webkit-border-top-right-radius%3A%203px%3B-webkit-box-shadow%3A%20none%3Bbackground%3A%20rgb(255%2C%20255%2C%20255)%20none%20repeat%20scroll%200%25%200%25%20%2F%20auto%20padding-box%20border-box%3Bbackground-attachment%3A%20scroll%3Bbackground-color%3A%20rgb(255%2C%20255%2C%20255)%3Bbackground-image%3A%20none%3Bbackground-position%3A%200%25%200%25%3Bbackground-repeat%3A%20repeat%3Bborder-bottom%3A%201px%20solid%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%3Bborder-bottom-color%3A%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%3Bborder-bottom-left-radius%3A%203px%3Bborder-bottom-right-radius%3A%203px%3Bborder-bottom-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-bottom-width%3A%201px%3Bborder-collapse%3A%20separate%3Bborder-color%3A%20rgb(187%2C%20179%2C%20185)%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%3Bborder-left%3A%201px%20solid%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%3Bborder-left-color%3A%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%3Bborder-left-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-left-width%3A%201px%3Bborder-radius%3A%203px%3Bborder-right%3A%201px%20solid%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%3Bborder-right-color%3A%20rgb(199%2C%20193%2C%20198)%3Bborder-right-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-right-width%3A%201px%3Bborder-spacing%3A%200px%200px%3Bborder-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-top%3A%201px%20solid%20rgb(187%2C%20179%2C%20185)%3Bborder-top-color%3A%20rgb(187%2C%20179%2C%20185)%3Bborder-top-left-radius%3A%203px%3Bborder-top-right-radius%3A%203px%3Bborder-top-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-top-width%3A%201px%3Bborder-width%3A%201px%3Bbox-shadow%3A%20none%3Bcaption-side%3A%20top%3Bcolor%3A%20rgb(78%2C%2078%2C%2078)%3Bdirection%3A%20ltr%3Bempty-cells%3A%20show%3Bfont%3A%2014px%20"Open%20Sans"%2C%20Arial%2C%20sans-serif%3Bfont-family%3A%20"Open%20Sans"%2C%20Arial%2C%20sans-serif%3Bfont-size%3A%2014px%3Bfont-stretch%3A%20100%25%3Bfont-style%3A%20normal%3Bfont-variant%3A%20normal%3Bfont-weight%3A%20400%3Bheight%3A%2051px%3Bletter-spacing%3A%20normal%3Bline-height%3A%20normal%3Blist-style%3A%20outside%20none%20none%3Blist-style-image%3A%20none%3Blist-style-position%3A%20outside%3Blist-style-type%3A%20none%3Bmargin%3A%200px%2014px%200px%200px%3Bmargin-bottom%3A%200px%3Bmargin-left%3A%200px%3Bmargin-right%3A%2014px%3Bmargin-top%3A%200px%3Bmax-height%3A%20none%3Bmax-width%3A%20none%3Bmin-height%3A%200px%3Bmin-width%3A%200px%3Boutline%3A%20rgb(78%2C%2078%2C%2078)%20none%200px%3Boutline-color%3A%20rgb(78%2C%2078%2C%2078)%3Boutline-style%3A%20none%3Boutline-width%3A%200px%3Bpadding%3A%2015px%3Bpadding-bottom%3A%2015px%3Bpadding-left%3A%2015px%3Bpadding-right%3A%2015px%3Bpadding-top%3A%2015px%3Bquotes%3A%20auto%3Bspeak%3A%20normal%3Btable-layout%3A%20auto%3Btext-align%3A%20start%3Btext-decoration%3A%20none%20solid%20rgb(78%2C%2078%2C%2078)%3Btext-indent%3A%200px%3Btext-overflow%3A%20clip%3Btext-shadow%3A%20none%3Btext-transform%3A%20none%3Bunicode-bidi%3A%20normal%3Bvertical-align%3A%20baseline%3Bwhite-space%3A%20normal%3Bwidth%3A%20735.406px%3Bword-spacing%3A%200px%3Bword-wrap%3A%20normal%3Bbox-sizing%3A%20border-box%3B%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20.error%20%7Bborder%3A%201px%20solid%20red%3B%7D%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20</strong> might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.</div> </div>
We were able to fix the issue today by disabling the auto-styling. We did test that previously and it did not seem to work. So unsure why the change this time.
Thank you.
Aaron@amshishilla Interesting. That part of the plugin code has not changed in a very long time. I’ll look into it, and thanks for the update.
@rexak I’m am 100% sure you mean well but please never ask for credentials on these forums.
Now for the why: The internet is a wonderful place full of very nice people and a few very bad ones. I’m sure everyone here is very nice however, by giving some ones keys to your house you are trusting they wont steal anything. Likewise the person who takes the keys is now responsible for the house FOREVER.
If something was to go wrong, then you the author may well legally become liable for damages, which they would not normally have been as their software is provided without warranty.
Please be aware that repeatedly asking for credentials will result in us escalating this to the plugins team.
It’s never necessary to do that. Here’s why.
There are many ways to get information you need and accessing the user’s site is not one of them. That’s going too far.
- Ask for a link to the log of the user’s web server error log.
- Ask the user to create and post a link to their
output. - Ask the user to install the Health Check plugin and get the data that way.
- Walk the user through enabling WP_DEBUG and how to log that output to a file and how to share that file.
- Walk the user through basic troubleshooting steps such and disabling all other plugins, clear their cache and cookies and try again.
- Ask the user for the step-by-step on how they can reproduce the problem.
You get the idea.
Volunteer support is not easy. But these forums need to a safe place for all users, experienced or new. Accessing their system that way is a short cut that will get you into real trouble in these forums.
I had that happen. Disabling Smush fixed it for us.
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