• Hi there, I have installed woocommerce and a plugin in called woo-commerce-authorize.net DPM so I can receive credit card payments. Though on my website (www.staydark.com) The credit card fields are not showing up! Can anyone please help me with this? To see for yourself go to https://www.staydark.com/shop then add something to your cart then checkout. Can someone please help me!

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  • schmidyuc


    Was there any resolution to this? We are getting the same error? I see the site is no longer live. Any help would be appreciated.



    I’m having this exact same error.

    Everything worked just fine with WooCommerce v. 1.6.6
    But after WooCommerce 2.0 update, all Authorize.net DPM fields disappeared.

    The only visible content is the order #, total amount & shipping. (underneath this is where the credit card info input fields are suppost to be, but aren’t)

    I’m using YOOTheme’s Catalyst Theme. (I have followed the WooThemes directions for theme compatibility)

    Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Even better would be someone who has and figured out why… and fixed it.


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