• I have a custom post type podcast and a custom taxonomy podcast-show. I want to use the podcast-show taxonomy for my podcast feeds. But, when I set up Taxonomy Podcasting in Powerpress for that taxonomy, the metabox never appears.

    The way I have gotten around this is by also turning on Post Type Podcasting for the podcast post type. This allows the metabox to show, and for the podcast show feeds to work. However, I have recently discovered that there’s an enclosure field for each feed. That enclosure field is created for each feed, but when updates are made to the enclosure details, they are only updated for one of the feeds.

    In our case, this means that Powerpress is recognizing the post being in a Post Type Podcasting feed and updating the enclosure for that feed, instead of the Taxonomy feed that we need updated. We are currently having to manually duplicate the change in the database, and it’s very tedious and frustrating.

    There are two issues here that probably need to be addressed:

    1. Using a custom taxonomy on a custom post type means the metabox never appears
    2. If a post is being used in two or more types of feeds, updates are not applied to all of the feeds
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  • Plugin Support Mike Dell


    Taxonomy and Post-type podcasting was never meant to work together. BUT there might be a way to do what you want. Contact support at Blubrry and put in a ticket. We can get on a zoom call and figure out how to do it.

    Thread Starter justinmaurerdotdev


    To be clear, I don’t actually want to be using Post Type podcasting in this setup. It just is the only way I can get the metabox to appear.

    In any case, I’ll submit a ticket, as you suggest. Thanks!

    Plugin Support Mike Dell


    I will look for it and send you my calendar link.

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