Hello @boionfire81,
I understand you’re experiencing issues with Hostinger disabling your website due to our minute cron. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.
I strongly recommend considering a VPS (Virtual Private Server) over shared hosting. VPS provides full access to server resources and allows you greater control.
Alternatively, if you wish to continue using Hostinger, you can configure the cron job remotely using cron-job.org due to your current situation. Here’s a helpful guide:?https://fluentcrm.com/docs/fluentcrm-cron-with-cronjob-org/
It’s crucial that the cron job runs every minute. Configuring it within the server itself is highly recommended to prevent further issues.
Follow the steps in the provided guide and let me know the outcome. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.