• Resolved wp56


    Delivery jobKO
    Read moreThe job has been skipped! The scheduler is overloaded or a job has fatal error and blocks the scheduler: check the server error logs with the help of your provider.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Try to call the url https://milenyo.net/wp-cron.php, it triggers the cron and could fgix the problem if it has been something temporary. Install the wp crontrol plugin, under Tools there is a panel to see all the background jobs, if you share a screenshot I can give it a look-

    You should even check Tools/Site Health for warning from WP about missed scheduled jobs.

    Ad suggested by the message, check the error logs with your provider, they could find fatal errors blocking the WP scheduler.

    Thread Starter wp56


    Hello Steffano here the feedback of my Siteground provider. I follow your steps your said in your last email:

    Stoyan G.: Veo que hay algunos errores, por ejemplo este: 2024-05-29 15:43:07 UTC [apache][:warn] [pid 375] [cliente] Tiempo de espera de espera para la salida del script CGI /home/u218-mhispbnoga43/www/milenyo.net/public_html/wp-cron.php

    Stoyan G.: Puedes revisar todo el registro de errores desde Site Tools > Estadísticas > Registro de errores.

    Stoyan G.: Por ejemplo, este error sugiere que hay un problema con un script relacionado con el cron.

    Stoyan G.: Puedes comprobarlo y arreglar el script para prevenirlo y esto puede resolver el problema.

    Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Hi, a timeout could be compatible with the message shown by our plugin: probably the scheduler is forcibly interrupted by your provider. They seem to suggest having a look at the error log (from their control panel), but a timeout is rarely connected to a “fatal” error.

    If you installed the suggested plugin, the list of active jobs can be of help.

    Thread Starter wp56


    I dont understand your point Steffano sorry. I installed WP-Control as you mentioned and I get this.



    Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Hi all those newsletter_geo_run should not be there, please dele them all. I’ll check if there is a bug on the geo addon, but the problem could be elsewhere.

    Please, contact me at stefano @ thenewsletterplugin . com so we can debug it.

    Thanks, Stefano.

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