• Hi Iulia. Your plugin seems to be so powerful and useful for my site!
    I’m creating a foodblog site where registered users can publish posts through a form (USP containing ACF custom fields). They will add many different sizes and ratios of featured images, while I set that every layout in the site should use 800 x 600 pxl images, so ratio 4:3. Also I need that original images will be deleted, or, much better, stored in another folder that I can periodically (every day?) backup and delete to clean the server space. So:

    1) when a user adds a 4:3 image (no matter the sizes), your plugin first resizes the image (800×600), then optimize quality (maybe 70) and stores the original image in a specific folder or (better) well recognizable in the media details, so that I will do myself in bulk deleting?:

    2) when a user adds a NON- 4:3 image (e.g. 3:2, 2:1) no matter the sizes, your plugin first resizes the image with the height ratio fixed (3), crops at 800×600 in the center, then optimizes the image (maybe at 70 quality) and stores the original image in a specific folder or well recognizable in the media details, so that I will do myself in bulk deleting?:

    3) as users add a custom post type (recipes) through a form, is it possible to let users crop themselves the image while filling the form?;

    4) users will add also 2-3 other images as a ACF gallery: will they be able to crop those images too? How?

    You know, I have to automatize everything as much as I can, if all will go well, I will have so many images to manage and I can’t do it manually and have to avoid to fill my server after a few days from starting the site, and it seems that in your plugin there are so many options that all this is possible, please advice me how to set it at its best to reach my goals.
    Thank you

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