• Hey ho,
    thanks for this outstanding plugin. Really really cool stuff.

    I have to questions and maybe you can help me out.

    1. Is there any possibility to check if the browser is in landscape or portrait mode? If I check the page on an iPad the images are cropped in the different mode. Is there any possibility to avoid this?

    2. When I want to use the plugin but I have a menu at the top of the page, is there any possibility to show the menue and to show the full image? Now the picture is cropped at the top because the menue is in an overlay-mode. Hopefully you understand what I mean. Otherwise check the page out: https://peterkupfer.de/start/



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  • Plugin Author jamesdbruner


    1. For your first question, as far as this plugin is concerned no, there’s no way to do that but WordPress does have a built in function called wp_is_mobile where you can check if a user is on a mobile device and there are other (possibly better) ways to do that as well.

    2. I’m working on a version of this plugin where you can specific which div/element you’d like the slideshow to show in instead of just applying to the page body. Then you can contain the slideshow like you’re asking for, but alas I’m not done with it yet. ?? For now there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. :<

    Have a good one!

    Thread Starter ZoliTeglas


    Thanks man! Sound great!

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