• Hi, on my home page, the featured images on my posts are cropped to a nice size. When you click one of the category pages from the menu (travel, life, food, the featured images are much larger. How do I make sure they are cropped the same as the front page?


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  • Hi, I think you have to crop the images before you load them up. The themplate defines the size of the image. You have to check if you have an option in your template if the image should be cropped or bot. Check out one of my homepages https://www.homepage-erstellen-lassen.ch/firmen-selbstaendige-kmu-kleingewerbe-unternehmen/ . Here the image isn’t croped. It is just smaler…

    If the theme is cropping them and displaying the correct size on the front page, then you need to look at the code and see what size of the thumbnail you are calling. The issue seems to me that it is calling two different sizes on different pages. Something like:

    get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'thumbnail');     // Thumbnail
    get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'medium');        // Medium resolution
    get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'large');         // Large resolution
    get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id, 'full');          // Original
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