CSS animated typhography
I’ve saw this website: https://altus.io
The h1 tag is “animated” in css. How should i implement to my website? Any plug-ins that can do similar?
Hi Nick
it is not as easy as u think.
It is this junk of code to do this small animation:
JS:<script> $(function(){ setTimeout(function () { $("#benefits-typed").css('background-color', 'rgb(59, 109, 223)'); $("#benefits-typed").css('border-right', 'none'); $("#benefits-typed").css('border-left', '2px solid white'); setTimeout(function () { $("#benefits-typed").css('border-left', 'none'); $("#benefits-typed").css('border-right', '2px solid white'); $("#benefits-typed").hide() $("#blink-fix").show() },500) },3500) $("#benefits-typed").typed({ strings: [ "profitable", "painless", "optimized", "quick & easy", "stress-free", ], typeSpeed: 60, backSpeed: 1, backDelay: 3000, loop : true, loopCount: false, startDelay: 4000, // starting callback function before each string preStringTyped: function() { $("#benefits-typed").css('background-color', 'transparent') $("#blink-fix").hide() $("#benefits-typed").show() }, //callback for every typed string onStringTyped: function() { setTimeout(function () { $("#benefits-typed").css('background-color', 'rgb(59, 109, 223)'); $("#benefits-typed").css('border-right', 'none'); $("#benefits-typed").css('border-left', '2px solid white'); setTimeout(function () { $("#benefits-typed").css('border-left', 'none'); $("#benefits-typed").css('border-right', '2px solid white'); $("#benefits-typed").hide() $("#blink-fix").show() }, 400+(Math.random()*400)) }, 1400+(Math.random()*400)) } }); $(".scroll").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $('html,body').animate({scrollTop:$($(this).attr('href')).offset().top}, 500); }); $('.tooltip-target.target-1').qtip({ content: { text: $('.tooltip-1-content') }, show: { event: 'show-tooltip', delay: 250, effect: function(offset) { //$(this).show() $(this).fadeIn(0); // "this" refers to the tooltip $(this).addClass('animated bounceIn'); }, }, hide: { fixed: true, leave: false, delay: 1000000000 }, position: { my: 'top center', // Position my top left... at: 'bottom center', // at the bottom right of... }, style: { tip: { corner: true, width: 20, height: 8, } } }); $('.tooltip-target.target-2').qtip({ content: { text: $('.tooltip-2-content') }, show: { //ready : trye event: 'show-tooltip', delay: 500, effect: function(offset) { $(this).fadeIn(0); // "this" refers to the tooltip $(this).addClass('animated bounceIn'); } }, hide: { fixed: true, leave: false, delay: 1000000000 }, position: { my: 'top center', // Position my top left... at: 'bottom center', // at the bottom right of... }, style: { tip: { corner: true, width: 20, height: 8, } } }); $('.tooltip-target.target-3').qtip({ content: { text: $('.tooltip-3-content') }, show: { event: 'show-tooltip', delay: 0, effect: function(offset) { $(this).fadeIn(0); // "this" refers to the tooltip $(this).addClass('animated bounceIn'); } }, hide: { fixed: true, leave: false, delay: 1000000000 }, position: { my: 'top center', // Position my top left... at: 'bottom center', // at the bottom right of... }, style: { tip: { corner: true, width: 20, height: 8, } } }); $( window ).resize(function() { placeTooltips() }); placeTooltips() var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: document.getElementById('waypoint'), handler: function() { $('.tooltip-target').trigger('show-tooltip') }, offset: 500 }) }); function placeTooltips(){ var img = $('.interface-image'); var img_width = img.width(); var img_height = img.height(); var image_position = img.position(); var new_css_1 = { top : img_height * 0.145, left : img_width * 0.92 + image_position.left } var new_css_2 = { top : img_height * 0.89, left : img_width * 0.44 + image_position.left } var new_css_3 = { top : img_height * 0.13, left : img_width * 0.185 + image_position.left } $('.target-1').css(new_css_1) $('.target-2').css(new_css_2) $('.target-3').css(new_css_3) } setTimeout(function () { $(window).trigger('resize'); }, 1000) </script>
…..and CSS:
<style> .typed-cursor{ display:none; } .home-cta { cursor:pointer; } .home-cta:hover { color:white; } .scroll-arrow { -webkit-animation: scrollstrobe 1.5s infinite; -moz-animation: scrollstrobe 1.5s infinite; animation: scrollstrobe 1.5s infinite; } #blink-fix{ border-left : 2px solid white; -webkit-animation: blink 0.7s infinite; -moz-animation: blink 0.7s infinite; animation: blink 0.7s infinite; } #benefits-typed{ -webkit-animation: blink 0.7s infinite; -moz-animation: blink 0.7s infinite; animation: blink 0.7s infinite; } @keyframes blink{ 0% { border-color:white; } 50% { border-color:transparent; } 100% { border-color:white; } } .interface { position: relative; } .qtip { background-color : #21B171; color: white; text-align :center; border : none; border-color : #21B171; } .tooltip-content { display: none; } .tooltip-target.target-1, .tooltip-target.target-2, .tooltip-target.target-3{ position: absolute; /*background-color: pink;*/ top : 50px; left:100px; height:10px; width:10px; border-radius: 999px; } .animated { animation-duration: 0.3s !important; } .tooltip-icon { display: none; /*width:120px;*/ /*height:120px;*/ /*border-right:1px solid #F5F5F8;*/ float : left; padding:20px; } .tooltip-description { /*height:120px;*/ /*border:1px solid #F5F5F8;*/ border-left:none; /*float:left;*/ } .tooltip-header { font-family: "Exo 2", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0px; font-size:12px; padding-top:25px; text-align: center; } .tooltip-subheader { text-align: center; /*padding-left:30px;*/ padding-top:14px; padding-bottom:25px; padding-right:25px; padding-left:25px; font-size :11px; line-height : 17px; } </style>
You would have to fit it to your classes and IDs
TRThanks for the information.
Where did you find the code?
I’ve tried to find the script on firebug but i couldn’t find it…Hi Nick,
Try typed.js plugin. it should serve your purpose.Demo: https://www.mattboldt.com/demos/typed-js/
It’s a free jQuery plugin and follow the instructions on github for details.
PamirHi Nick,
I got a code from Chrome Dev tools.
Chrome Dev Tools is the best place to tweak the code.
The plugin above can serve you to your desire.
TRThanks all! If i look in the google dev tools : https://prntscr.com/cdyzcl
I can find the code of typed.js but not the code that you’ve pasted. Where did you get that from?I’m tryng to add the css code above in the typed.php css section but it seems not working.. How can i make the css work? Should i link it or “activate” in another file?
As you can see it on this screenshot: https://prntscr.com/ce4xvr
The css doesnt do any action …
Dear Tahoe, im stuck at the moment. When you have time, could you please reply back…
Hi Nick,
I do not know how and where you took this css code. Anyway…..TRY TO….Cut out that code from that typed.php file….php file in general is not mentioned for css tweaking……and….
…..put this code to your Child Theme style.css file
Install Simple Custom CSS plugin and put the code there.
I do not know anything about typed-js plugin, but believe it can be solution for you.
It can happen that it is not working.
Then we have to look further.
I hope it will help you
Let me know
TR- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Tahoerock.
Here I got the code I sent to you in the past.
Both codes are coming from index.html in Source in CHROME DEV TOOLS
TRI took a look and that site you refered to is using type-js plugin also
Thanks Tahoe everything i tried ended up not working… Do you have skype? I can send you some information that you can take a closes look at…
Hi Nick,
I have a Skype
I would help you but I do not want screw up my credit here.
I do not know if it is allowed to present Skype connection here.
I think NOT
This is Q for WordPress administrators.
If they say here I can, Im happy to be helpful.
TRHi Nick
I do not know what you you have done.
Did you installed WordPress plugin TYPED-JS??????
I NOT, delete all the code you have tried put somewhere.
Then install that plugin, Activate it and put short Code where you want to have text behavior to be executed.How to use: After installing af activating the plugin, simply insert this shortcode: [typedjs]First text example,Second text example, Third text example[/typedjs] Each , splits the sentence / word.
You can see it is working right from the box.
I have seen this plugin for the first time today.
To tweak the time and so on you have to go to the plugin edit page.
Tell me what you want to change and I will send you other code, if you will need it. ??
Sound easy, isn’t it?
Let me know
TR- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Tahoerock.
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