1. Firstly, install and activate the plugin.
2. Go to Appearance > Widgets
3. Drag Recent Posts Extended to the sidebar widget area where you want to place.
4. Open up Recent Posts Extended and unchecked “use default styles”.
5. Scoll down to the “Custom CSS” and you can see the list of Custom CSS.
6. Let says – you want to change “text-decoration: none” to “text-decoration: underline” and add in “font-size: 13px” under .rpwe-block a{}.
7. So from the list of Custom CSS, look for:
.rpwe-block a{
display: inline !important;
text-decoration: none;
Change to :
#rpwe_widget-x .rpwe-block a {
display: inline !important;
text-decoration: underline;
font-size: 13px;
*Note: “#rpwe_widget-x”, you have to refer to firebug and you can get your widget number code over there, as mine is #rpwe_widget-2.
8. Now, click save.
9. Clear your page cache and go to your site…you are able to see your recent posts widget.
Hope I have done correctly.