• Resolved agreenspell


    I just started self-hosting my blog through godaddy.com and www.ads-software.com and am having the hardest time figuring out how to upload a customized banner on the Elements of SEO template. I’ve looked at every tutorial, and just don’t understand what to do. Can anyone help? Thanks!!


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  • if you look in your images folder in the Elements of SEO template you will see banner.jpg, banner1.jpg & banner2.jpg. you are using banner.jpg from the looks of your blog.

    if you want a different banner with the same size it’s easy. if you want a different size banner you will have to change some dimensions in the style.css file.

    k, so easy way: if you have photoshop or any image editing software that you can save pictures in a jpg format just open banner.jpg up in it. make the changes you want to the image and save it as banner.jpg again. after that, upload it to the images file on your godaddy server. this will override your current paintball splat banner so if you want, you can make a copy of that one somewhere else or re-download the theme and get it later.

    this is what i would do. good luck!

    Thread Starter agreenspell


    Michael, thank you so much for this information. For some reason, it never occurred to me to go through the files in Godaddy.com. (I’m so new to this that I really don’t know what I’m doing!) Anyway, I appreciate it so much – your tip worked perfectly!


    Thread Starter agreenspell


    Oh, one more thing! ?? Do you know if it’s possible to hide the blog title and subtitle? I’d like to put that directly into my banner, and hide the text, if possible.


    Since these are wrapped by masthead div there are a couple of ways:

    1) You can hide this div with display: none;
    2) Hide the text with text-indent:-9999em; in #masthead

    and adjust top margin if necessary.

    glad i was able to help!

    and nebulus is right. he/she is referring to those changes in your style.css
    scroll down a little in that file until you see the Masthead comment in asterisks

    right under that you’ll see:
    #masthead { width: 960px; add display: none;

    also as nebulus said, you can adjust your margin in the same area if you want:
    find #banner { and add margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; in that section
    replace the first 0 with the number you want.

    Just to clarify, it goes like this
    margin: top right bottom left;

    Sometimes there are less than four values, you can read more about it here.

    Thread Starter agreenspell


    I will give this a try. Thanks so much!!

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