• Resolved juliojab


    I had the “All-in-One Event Calendar by Time.ly” plugin version 2.5.22 and when a actualize to version 2.5.26 I lost the CSS configuration on my EVENTS, ether on my HOME page as on my EVENT page too.

    I tried to back the version to 2.5.22 (still set now), but only on my CHROME BROWSER start to function again, on all others browsers and even on another section of my CHROME BROWSER, the problem persist.

    I tried to SAVE the Dashboard>Events>ThemeOptions but it show the following ERROR:

    variable @calendarTitle is undefined in file /home/storage/6/b3/24/itpteste/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/public/themes-ai1ec/vortex/less/user-variable-map.less in user-variable-map.less on line 31, column 33 29| @dropdown-link-hover-bg: @dropdownLinkBackgroundHover; 30| @input-color-placeholder: @placeholderText; 31| @calendar-title-color: @calendarTitle; 32| @today-color: @todaycolor; 33| @allday-badge-color: @alldayBadgeGradientMiddle; 34| @event-image-shadow: @eventImageShadow;

    I saw this topic on your FORUM and seams to be the same os mine, but there are no solution that works for me: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/calendar-broken-and-css-compiling-error-after-update/

    Please, wait for help to solve this problem as soon as posible.

    Julio Alvarez

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter juliojab


    I discovered that if a copy the file “eee2800b_ai1ec_parsed_css.css” from my Backup to the directory “/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache”, the problem desapear. But, after that, I actualize the Plugin to the new version 2.5.26 and the problem returns. Than I copy the file again and the problem desapear again.

    I think that this is not the correct solution, and in the future, when a have to actualize the plugin again, I′ll have the same problem again.

    I hope you can help me to give a definitive solution for this problema.
    Thank you.

    Julio Alvarez

    I am having this same issue, and am very frustrated. Why did you change the classes when you did the updates?


    Attempting to revert back to the previous version in such manner can cause things to break. I recommend you perform a manual re-install of the calendar like this:

    – Perform a complete back up of your database before proceeding further
    – Delete the file uninstall.php from the plugin directory that is currently on the server (found under /wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar). Deleting this file ensures that when you uninstall the current version of the plugin, your event data and calendar settings will be preserved when you delete the plugin (don’t skip this step – it’s important!)
    – Deactivate the All-in-One Event Calendar using your WordPress Dashboard.
    – Delete the All-in-One Event Calendar using your WordPress Dashboard.
    – Database -> wp_options, click option_name to sort and delete everything with ai1ec_, this will delete plugin settings but events will remain in the database.
    – Now install the latest version.


    If your calendar has lost CSS, simply navigate to Events > Theme Options > Save Settings button.

    In the last update we added some performance improvements to our addons — which involves running some components of the addon features on our servers, which you will need to be logged in to access.

    If you find that an addon has been deactivated, please check the following:

    1. Be sure you are logged into the Timely Network under Events > Settings >

    2. Be sure that any addons you are currently using are current and not expired

    3. Be sure that the addons you purchased are linked to your current URL (this is verified by performing step 1 above)

    If you Extended Views addon has been deactivated, I suggest proceeding to download it again, and on your purchase page (it’s still free) make sure to link it to your current Core calendar installation URL, from here:


    I still have the problem with losing the css from time to time.
    The proceed described above brought no improvement.
    Can I refresh the css via a cronjob?

    Hi @michael2martin,

    Not without custom programming etc.. Also, you should not have to run a cron job to prevent the loss of CSS references in the calendar. It may be that there is another plugin causing a conflict, which triggers this problem — usually caching or security plugins cause conflicts with our plugin. You can test this by de-activating any suspicious plugins to see if the problem recurrs.

    OK, thank you. I will try to find the conflict.

    For me it works now. I selected
    ‘Link CSS in <head> section when file cache is unavailable.’
    and in the WP Super Cache settings
    ‘Cache HTTP headers with page content.’

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