• I cannot figure out why my page is not getting the proper font color from the stylesheet. I can’t see the text in the left or right boxes because it is defaulting to a dark color, instead of taking it’s rightful color, white. Here is the page it’s happening on: https://www.bygraceonline.org/index.html/ This site is technically not up yet and is VERY much in progress right now. Any insight would be helpful!

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  • In basic.css you have <p> tag with the color defined as black. In byGrace_main.css you have a <div class='padbox_left'> with color defined as white but inside that tag you have a <p> tag which contains your text. Paragraph text is black as defined in basic.css.

    Either remove the global <p> tag text color and define colors less globally according to your content columns or try .padbox_lefttext p {color: #fff} to overwrite the global declaration.


    You applied the #ffffff to the wrong page element. You applied it to the containing <div> not to the <p> element, so the default stylesheet styling for <p> color: #3A3A3C from basic.css line 2 is being applied.

    If you want to change the color of <p> sitewide, you can change it on line 2 there.

    If you want that to remain as default site color for <p> and want the side column <p>’s to be in white, add this to your
    byGrace_main.css file, around line31

    .padbox_lefttext p, .padbox_righttext p { #ffffff }

    Thread Starter isign4jc


    Thank you both for your advice! these forums are so helpful! i ended up having to add the word “color” to the above code to make it work. So mine looks like this:

    .padbox_lefttext p, .padbox_righttext p { color: #ffffff }

    So, there’s no way to force all text inside the .padbox_lefttext and .padbox_righttext to be white? If not, it looks like I will have to add the white color individually to all font styles, like headers and such.

    .padbox_lefttext *,
    .padbox_righttext * {color#fff!important}

    Will force any element inside the 2 padboxes to have a color of white..

    Thread Starter isign4jc


    excellent! i tried that out, but had to add the colon after color to make it work. thanks!!!

    Whoops, yeah that might help…..

    Typo… ??

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