• Resolved bwl8772



    I have figured out how run my first test.

    Each question has 4 possible answers. There are 15 total questions.

    The challenge I am having:
    — For each of the 15 questions, the test taker cannot select ANY of the first options. The first option (out of 4) is not “clickable”
    — The formatting for the test is also looking like this:

    the question is here…

    option 1 [the test taker is never allowed to take this one]
    option 2
    option 3
    option 4

    I am thinking that the site CSS is interfering with this because it’s a blog post.

    — Can I select a DIFFERENT page to embed the test in? The default page has a lot of CSS work on it.



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  • Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Hi Brian!

    Yes, you can try shortcodes. See available in the FAQ.

    Also are you sure there should be many CSS to fix? May be there something easy?

    Thread Starter bwl8772


    HI, Thanks!

    Is this correct way to call this is a PAGE?

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[wpt_test_first_page id=change-readiness-assessment]’); ?>

    Probably not, because this is what it says when I view the page: ??

    PAGE SAYS”: wpt_test_first_page: Can not find test by id or name

    What is the code I use to “Call” the shortcode? Sorry, I am new to wordpress.
    Can you please post the correct way here?

    Also, I don’t understand how to use the “wpt_test_read_more” shortcode…. it looks like I would prefer to use that one instead of “wpt_test_first_page”.. But, it looks more complicated. Please, what is the proper way to call “wpt_test_read_more”? Can you post it here with example text as well?


    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    @brian, shortcodes are known feature of wordpress. You can learn about it in google.

    Shortcodes of this plugin are described in FAQ.

    If you dont’ want to learn all this stuff I can offer paid support.

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