• Resolved yperfre


    Hello there, I have this site and having problems with CSS being displayed.
    I have just like 4 plugins activated and theme has only like 2 or 3 customizations in hedaer fonts (Impact) and body font (Open Sans).
    It also has a pink custom CSS rule to apply on headers (didn′t find that option on customizer).
    For a reason I still don′t get, the pages are displayed in “plane arial” or with my header and font customizations.
    Sometimes they load good, sometimes they not. Sometimes Google discover loads arial, sometimes Chrome loads Impact/Open sans or not.
    Haven′t got a clue whats going on…
    Any clue?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • AC


    Themeisle Support

    Hello Yago,

    I checked your site and it is as you said, your header font family is Impact and the Body is Open Sans.
    But should these fonts are not installed on the user’s (visitor) end, then the font will be displayed as Arial which is your fallback font.

    Hope this helps.

    Let us know if you have any other concerns.

    Thread Starter yperfre


    This was sorted out for me in https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/fonts-dont-change-2/.
    I just thought it was disabled but it wasnt.
    Basically in my case mod Pagespeed )installed in my hosting provider) messes up the CSS.
    Neve could tests it on apache server with mod pagespeed and find a solution probably.



    Hello @yperfre ,

    Thank you for your reply!

    PageSpeed indeed can affect the proper display of websites as it is trying to optimize CSS/JS among other things. Usually, we recommend disabling it and using plugins for optimization in your WP instance instead. This will usually result in better control over your website and similar performance, without affecting your server performance as the PageSpeed mod can.

    Do you remember exactly what mods were installed in your htaccess file? Maybe you could remove just the CSS/JS optimizer mod and let the others run in this case.

    However, I would still recommend having plugins instead of a server-side solution in this scenario.

    Thank you for letting us know where the problem came in your case and for sharing the solution with the community!

    Thread Starter yperfre


    No, I ususlly manage my own server but this site is in a hosting whith lots of limitations.
    I can′t ask to modify the mod pagespeed configuration…
    I obviously don′t have any choice but unable Pagespeed module but Ill survive ??
    Guys, do you have like any recomended cache plugin to use with Neve? Let me know if so or Ill yust test.

    Hi @yperfre!

    The WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache plugin is a great caching plugin that works wonderfully with Neve.

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter yperfre


    Thanks a lot I’ll try!
    It wasn’t that good for me in previous themes but this is a different thing.

    We’re glad we could help, let us know how this goes!

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