But if any developer need to check the problem from admin panel, then?
What can be the solution on that situation?
@corvusmile This comes up often enough that I have a prepared reply. ??
There are many ways to get information a developer needs but accessing the user’s site should not be one of them.
You get the idea.
Volunteer support is not easy. But these forums need to a safe place for all users, experienced or new. Accessing their system that way is a short cut that will get you into real trouble in these forums.
If any author does that here and continues to do that after being asked to stop then the plugin author really needs to evaluate if they want to continue offering support in these forums.
There is nothing from preventing an author to setting up their own support forums on their own site. Many do just that. The www.ads-software.com moderators stop at these forums and if admin credentials are really an issue then that’s not a bad idea.
I am the support of the King-Theme team, You can check other topic that.
@tuongpg Thanks! I did check. I know you are part of that team.
Now that that is out of the way, do not ask for login information in these forums again. It’s really serious and if that’s a big restriction on you then please consider setting up your own forums.