• Resolved wen.wainwright


    My site is displaying correctly in firefox and safari but not in google chrome. Before I dedicate a crazy amount of hours to this I want to ask if it’s a common problem or something I’ve screwed up somewhere. The site is: https://strongerwithjeng.com – an example is that the top navigation button tab things are gray in chrome instead of green (as they are in firefox and safari). Yes, the hover green is working, just not the active link green.

    nav#site-navigation {
    color: #1e8239;
    nav#site-navigation a {
    color: #1e8239;
    nav#site-navigation a:link {
    color: #1e8239;
    nav#site-navigation a:hover {
    color: #35e865;
    *YES, this is a child theme
    **googled backticks and not sure how to make them.

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  • Thread Starter wen.wainwright


    I resolved the problem of the floating menu button however I’m not sure that the way I did it won’t hurt anything else.

    .main-navigation ul.nav-menu.toggled-on,
    .menu-toggle {
           display: none;

    I checked through the rest of the code to see if possibly I’ve hurt something else. Under @media screen and (min-width: 600px) it says:

    .menu-toggle {
            display: none;

    So I suppose as long as I didn’t want it anywhere else either this is ok?

    Thread Starter wen.wainwright


    Well I haven’t heard back from anyone in regards as to whether this would be considered “best practices” but it hasn’t seem to break anything else either so I’m going to go ahead and mark it “resolved.”

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