• Resolved sunipeyk


    While i using boost inline style jetpack-boost-critical-css gets two CSS: Parse Error in my site html. (1) charset "UTF-8";.screen-reader, (2) margin:0 0 1em}}</style> (the bolds are the errors) . For details you may check ; validator.w3.org results of my site.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • ice9js


    Howdy! Thanks for your report.

    It seems there’s indeed an issue with the plugin. I escalated the issue to the Boost developers. You can also keep track of it here: https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/33447


    Thread Starter sunipeyk


    Kuba, thank you very much.

    Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hey @sunipeyk – I’m marking this topic as resolved now, for further updates, you can subscribe to the issue on GitHub from the above link.

    But If you have any further related questions, you’re welcome to reply here and mark this topic as “not resolved” from the left sidebar of this topic (example) or open another thread for a new topic.

    Thread Starter sunipeyk


    @bizanimesh the problem is not solved yet, whats the rush you are try to marking the topic resolved??? It is not right to mark that the problem is solved until it is solved. Isn’t it???

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by sunipeyk.
    Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hey @sunipeyk – thank you for your feedback and concern. I completely understand your point of view, and I want to clarify our process regarding marking the issue as resolved.

    When we mark an issue as ‘resolved,’ it doesn’t mean the problem is completely fixed. Instead, it signifies that we have addressed the issue on our end or taken it as far as we can in our current context. However, the resolution might not be final, and that’s why we transfer it to GitHub for further troubleshooting. GitHub allows us to involve our development team, gather more information, and track the progress of the issue more effectively. ??

    By marking it as ‘resolved’ here, we ensure proper communication and tracking. Rest assured that we are committed to finding a complete solution for your issue at GitHub.

    However, if you don’t want to close the issue here as well, we can keep this open for you.

    Thread Starter sunipeyk


    @bizanimesh Thank you for your explanation. It seems more logical to me that it remains unresolved here unless you put the “moved to github” option.

    Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hi @sunipeyk – okay, sure, then we will not mark it as resolved and put it on hold for some days to check for updates again.

    Plugin Support Tamirat B. (a11n)


    Hello sunipeyk,

    It look like this thread hasn’t been update for more than a week and the GitHub entry is still being worked on.

    I will mark this thread as resolved for now, and encourage you to follow updates about the issue on GitHub.


    Thread Starter sunipeyk


    Hello Joseph,

    Please dont, and please read previous conversation. How can i update this thread by myself if there is no progress here or on Github? And why you guys come here and every 7 days to make this thread resolved??? What your point about it. And again please read above. It seems more logical to me that it remains unresolved here unless you put the “moved to github” option. Otherwise it is not resoved!

    Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hello there – thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any confusions here. I understand your concerns and appreciate your feedback. Let me clarify the situation for you.

    On www.ads-software.com forums, we have a standard practice where if a topic has not been active for the past 7 days, or if it has been transferred to GitHub for further investigation and solution, we mark the issue as resolved.

    Regarding your suggestion about introducing a “moved to GitHub” label, we appreciate your input, and it’s a good idea. www.ads-software.com forums are managed by WordPress community and currently we don’t have this label in place but alternatively there is a “tag” option for this topic and I have added “moved to GitHub” tag to this topic.

    Edit: For some reason the tag “moved to GitHub” is not getting added – could you please please adding from your side?

    The reason we mark topics as resolved when they are moved to GitHub is to help us keep track of issues more effectively, both on GitHub and www.ads-software.com. This practice ensures that no issue is missed from our attention.

    Since we have the GitHub link mentioned above and are actively working on addressing the problem, we can go ahead and close the issue as resolved if that’s agreeable to you. This will not affect our commitment to resolving the issue; it’s simply a way to maintain a clear record of the status.

    We value your feedback and hope that this explanation clarifies our approach. ??

    Thread Starter sunipeyk


    Hi Animesh,

    Thank you for yur detailed explanation. I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time. I added the tag and updated the status as resolved.

    edit > I couldn’t add the tag either.

    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by sunipeyk.
    Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hello there – yes, I think there is some issue in adding tags. But there is no worry; even if you don’t add a tag, this issue is on our radar at GitHub. As I mentioned above, this will not affect our commitment to resolving the issue; it’s simply a way to maintain a clear record of the status. ??

    And you will continue to get updates from GitHub – just make sure you have subscribed to the issue at GitHub (screenshot).

    Thread Starter sunipeyk


    You sent it to github from here. You marked this as problem solved. However, it was not solved and the problem was not even looked at on github. Jeherve from Jetpack also came and removed the “need triage” tag (github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/33447) . So I had to reset it to the problem not solved status, in here!

    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by sunipeyk.
    • This reply was modified 11 months ago by sunipeyk.
    Plugin Support Animesh Gaurav (a11n)


    Hello there – I will check with the team on when the issue will be fixed and get back to you with an update.

    Thread Starter sunipeyk


    It would be nice, thank you.

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