• Resolved hebhansen


    Hey Strong

    I had some help back in the day, to style the rating stars on my site, however, my css seems to have gone obsolete…

    Can you give me a hint on this?

    /* Star Display */
    .strong-view .strong-rating span.current:before {
        color: #5a5a5a;
    .strong-view .strong-rating span.star:before {
        color: #5a5a5a; !important;
    /* form */
    .strong-view .strong-rating label:before {
        color: #5a5a5a;

    How do I control star color for all views

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  • Miha


    Hi @hebhansen,

    Can you please send me the URL of you page so I can take a look?


    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Hey Mihaela

    My feedback page is this one:


    I also have a slider on front, but I decided to remove stars there.

    The idea is to Color stars in forms and after rating in all views ….

    I am currently playing with input buttons in form. I might get back to you there….



    Thank you!
    Please add this code in Appearance > Cusotmize > Additional CSS:

    .strong-rating-wrapper .star svg path {
    	fill: red;


    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Hey Mihela

    Your code will not do it….

    This code used to work perfectly, but broke eventually. Do you see any flaw?:

    .strong-view .star-rating span.current:before {
        color: #5a5a5a !important;
    .strong-view .star-rating span.star:before {
        color: #5a5a5a !important;
    /* form */
    .strong-view .star-rating label:before {
        color: #5a5a5a;


    The code you previously had no longer works.
    The new code is the one I provided above.
    If that does not work, please try:

    .strong-rating-wrapper .star svg path {
    	fill: red !important;


    Thread Starter hebhansen


    Hey Mihaela

    That worked and problem is solved. Thank you, looks so much better ??

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