Hi @okelloemma
I hope you’re well today!
There is no separate repo with those styles and even then – the styles “as they are” are specific to Forminator forms, including the fact that the way some rules are applied is depending (or controlled) by classes and inline CSS added/removed by JS.
There is no simple way to “directly” apply Forminator form styles “one to one” to other 3rd-party forms.
The closest you can get to it (and that may be useful here) is to take a generated form style as a basis and then manually modify/adjust it to apply to other forms.
So you would have to have an example Forminator form already added to the site and configured (in terms of appearance/design) the way you want it and then:
– go to “/wp-content/uploads/forminator/” folder
– if there are many subfolders, find the one that has a name starting with XXXX_ where XXXX is matching ID of your form (form ID is the number you see in form shortcode)
– inside it there should be “/css” subfolder
– and there you’ll find basic style file
Note though:
– it is not a complete CSS of the form but rather only the “configurable” elements (those that you can configure in form settings) and custom CSS added to the form
– you should not modify that file but rather copy code from it and then modify copied code and place that code in some separate CSS location
– there would still be quite some areas that would need to be manually styled in those other forms to match Forminator design.
In general, those styles are plugin-specific so even if you use that generated style as a base, there’ll still be custom CSS necessary.
Kind regards,