• Resolved auroradesignstudio


    Is there a way to style the form such that it uses placeholder text within the form box instead of text labels? Also, how do I center the submit button only?
    I am using a shortcode on my home page and a widget on my sidebars, so need custom css for both.

    Here’s the css I’ve cobbled together so far:

    .widget_sf_widget_constantcontact {
    background-color: #acd8ef !important;
    padding-left: 10px !important;
    padding-right: 10px !important;
    padding-top: 10px !important;
    padding-bottom: 10px !important;
    text-align: left;}
    widget_sf_widget_constantcontact label{
    clear:both;float:right; width:35%; margin-top:5px
    .widget_sf_widget_constantcontact input[type=”text”]{
    float:right; width:60%
    .widget_sf_widget_constantcontact input[type=”submit”]{margin-top:10px;color:#48638f;align:center;}

    #sf_shortcode_constantcontact_0_form input[type=”submit”]{background-color: #acd8ef !important; color: #48638f;}

    clear:both;float:right; width:25%; margin-top:5px
    #sf_shortcode_constantcontact_0_form input[type=”text”]{
    float:right; width:70%
    .#sf_shortcode_constantcontact_0_form input[type=”submit”]{

    The website is: https://www.emotionallyhealthychildren.org/wordpress

    Thanks for your help


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  • Plugin Author MembershipWorks


    Hi! To center the submit button, center the text in the widget and then add the css to left align the paragraphs:

    .widget_sf_widget_constantcontact p,#sf_shortcode_constantcontact_0_form p{text-align:left}

    You cannot use css to add placeholder text, but you can do that by editing the plugin file itself, by adding placeholder=”…” appropriately for each input. However, note that IE8 and IE9 do not support HTML5 placeholders, so a large chunk of your web visitors won’t be able to see those placeholders. The only way to make it truly cross-browser would require some javascript listeners…

    Can you be more specific about how you edit the plugin file itself to change the placeholder text? I assume you mean the constanctcontactwidget.php file, but I’m not sure what to change exactly. Thanks.

    Plugin Author MembershipWorks


    If you are familiar with PHP and HTML, locate the function sf_constantcontact_form, and add:


    in the appropriate input fields. If you are just trying to change the labels, just change the text inside these bits

    __(‘First Name’)
    __(‘Last Name’)

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