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  • like the way the menu looks in the first screen shot (3rd image on Screenshots screen). Is there any way that you could give me the CSS Code for that? I understand that the plugin is made to match the template of the Theme for my site, but I would like the menus to stand out more, and would appreciate the CSS that you used. Thank you!

    Yes please, and I have purchased the extended version.

    No support with this pluggin unfortunatly, just sad they advertise something as easy, when actually not easy at all unless you have CSS Code or know how to program it.

    Its easy to do what they give without the program. To make it look like they demonstrate is not easy at all.

    Unfortunatly I was one of the suckers that payed for the extended versión.

    @angiemorrissey @andygrantonline If you look on the Easy Restaurant Menu Manager plugin’s support site, you will see a link for “Custom fonts using CSS“. That link says:

    Fonts and sizes are not defined in the Easy Restaurant Menu Manager plugin for WordPress. This is intentional so that when installed, the plugin’s output matches the installed WordPress theme’s fonts and size scheme. In general, this works seamlessly but occasionally fonts need to be changed or increased in size in order to stand out.

    Easy Restaurant Menu Manager includes a settings box for including custom CSS to tweak styles.


    Customize fonts for a menu item title and description

    .wprmm_menu .menu_category h3{
      font-size:24px !important;
      font-family: Times,Georgia,Serif !important;
    .wprmm_menu .menu_category p{
      font-size:12px !important;

    Customize menu category name and description

    .wprmm_menu .menu_category h2{
      font-size: 18px !important;
      font-family: Times,Georgia,Serif !important;
    .wprmm_menu .menu_category p.menu_category_desc{
      font-size: 18px !important;
      padding-bottom: 12px !important;

    Obviously, you will need to use whatever font, size, and other styling that you prefer, but it’s not difficult to do. From WordPress dashboard just navigate to plugin’s Manage Menus | Settings page and enter your CSS there.

    Also, to the folks who complain about no support, they do seem to provide support on the SAI Digital web site, just not here in the WordPress forums.

    I hope that helps.

    Hi Joe thanks for the info, but unfortunately I disagree with some of your points. I bought the Pro version over a month ago and still have not received a reply on my support requests. Not here and not on SAI Digital Website.

    I bought easy restaurant manager because I liked the look of the layout it advertises. Its actual functionality is a waste of time for me. Its just as easy doing it in word and pasting it into the website.

    You say it is easy to program css, yes I agree if you are a web designer and graphic designer. Most restaurant managers and owners are not. They are going for the look that is advertised not neccesarily what it does in the background. They want a menu that is easy to do and that easily looks nice. They don’t want the hassle of learning to program and spending hours trying to figure out how to make it look nice. They have a restaurant to run. If restaurant owners wanted a program that easily displays text. Any program can do that.

    The support is useless. They don′t even reply. After a week of struggling I used a free tables program to do the menu and although it does not look that great, it looks a lot better than the Easy Restaurant manager which cost me and was a waste of time.

    Its like the restaurant manager selling you a Spaggetti Bolenaise and once you have paid, puts the un-cooked spaggetti on your plate and all the ingredients and then says, its easy to make just go to the kitchen put it on boil for 30 min ect. Totally ridiculous right!

    This program is a waste of money and has no support. I repent buying it and I will not recommend it to anyone. Thank goodness I bought it to test it first, before recommending it to any of my customers.


    @goblixie Well, I just downloaded and installed it last night, so perhaps I’m not the best judge of their support. However, I looked on the support site, and I see some recent replies. Earlier today I posted a request for a feature, so let’s see if they reply. Clearly, they don’t monitor THIS forum. And I have to agree with the posts from folks who complain about a bait and switch from the free to the extended version. Still, the extended version does 80 percent of what I want to do right out of the box, so I’m not complaining. If support is as bad as you say, then I will probably change my tune.

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