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  • Roy Ho


    What you do is get yourself a dev tool like firebug or chrome tools and use that to inspect the element you want and it will tell you exactly where that style is.

    Thread Starter Wild at Art Atelier


    Yes I’ve tried that but for example I changed the margin top to 150px and in firebug it worked but once I put it into my woocommerce css it didn’t change a thing…

    here the code that i had in firebug:
    div.product span.price, div.product p.price, #content div.product span.price, #content div.product p.price {
    color: #696767;
    font-size: 1.25em;
    margin-top: 150px;

    Roy Ho


    Of course that would not work because look at your class name…they are referring to price not your products list…I think what you want is:

    #main { padding:20px; }

    This is in your style.css, not woocommerce.

    Thread Starter Wild at Art Atelier


    Yes but i do not want to change my whole website. If I change in main then my blog page will also change. How can I change the css of woocommerce without changing the rest of the site?

    Roy Ho


    Same process

    .products ul, ul.products {padding:20px;margin:0;}

    In your woocommerce styles.

    Thread Starter Wild at Art Atelier


    It still doesn’t change anything. If I insert the code in friewire it works but once I insert it into my woocommerce.css nothing happens

    Roy Ho


    Where are you editing this css? What is the path?

    Thread Starter Wild at Art Atelier


    I was editing it in Woocommerce.css
    I followed you advice by putting the woocommerce.css in the style.css but now it has changed absoltutly everyting

    Roy Ho


    if you did it correctly, it will work..

    The logic is simple before you consolidated it, it was simply loading two stylesheets, your theme style.css and woocommerce.css…

    Now you’re just simply copying all styles form woocommerce.css and pasting it at the end of the style.css file which essentially is the same thing except now you’re only loading one stylesheet…So if done correctly, nothing should change.

    Thread Starter Wild at Art Atelier


    So i copy past the woocommerce.css to my style.css and then i go into woocommerce settings and unselect the box saying “enable woocommerce css styles”. i’m sorry if i am asking silly questions

    Roy Ho



    Thread Starter Wild at Art Atelier


    It doesn’t work, thats exactly what i did and it changed everything

    Roy Ho


    Ok then sorry I don’t know how else to help you. I am a theme developer so I do this day in and day out…

    Thread Starter Wild at Art Atelier


    could there be a bug or problem in my woocommerce?

    Roy Ho


    I highly doubt it…

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