Hi @ jcmiz
When you upload a CSV file, the plugin automatically generates a new table with a random number (like you mentioned in your post). This is to avoid duplicated table names in the database and a to avoid a disaster that might be caused by it.
After you uploaded your CSV file, if you see just one row with no entry, it means that your server is a bit over protected and it doesn’t allow some mysql statements including “LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE…”. It is just related to your server and not the plugin, thus unfortunately it is out of my control.
As for your second question, when you make your file as “CSV”, the commas are being generated automatically, meaning that each cell is separated by a comma from the cell next to it. (this comma is being generated automatically when you save your file as CSV to differentiate the cells and to realize where the cell starts and where it ends – you can see it if you open your csv file with another program like noptepad if you use windows). If you use a comma (,) in the data that you put in the cells, when the code reads the CSV file and it faces that comma, it thinks that it’s the end of the cell and it should skip to the next cell or row; and consequently it will result in a messed up table. This is the reason why extra commas in the data can be problematic.I’m planning to improve the code in the next versions to tackle this sort of situations, so it works regardless of where the comma is.
I hope my explanations have been enough, nonetheless if you ever needed more explanation or help, you’re always welcome to come back to me:)