CTX feed Google Shopping
I am using the Google Shopping template for Google merchants.
However Google Merchants is giving a fault on 30% of the products: Missing attribute: availability.What could be wrong?
Hi @katfrajoe
Please give us a screenshot of your feed configuration.
Also, go to CTX Feed > Status and click on the Copy Status button and paste the status here.
WooCommerce Version: 6.6.1 - You are using the latest version of WooCommerce. Product Types: ? Simpel Product [simple] ? Gegroepeerd Product [grouped] ? Extern/Affiliate Product [external] ? Variabel Product [variable] ? Eenvoudig Abonnement [subscription] ? Variabel Abonnement [variable-subscription] ? Product Bundle [bundle] Total Products: WP Query: 387 WC Product Query: 387 Both Query: 387 Product Total by Types. ? Bundle Product: 5 ? Grouped Product: 1 ? Simple Product: 169 ? Subscription Product: 2 ? Variable Product: 210 ? Product Variations: 1679 Product Per Batch: 200 Product Query Type: WC_Product_Query Default Customer Location: Default Customer Location Geolocate Store Address President Rooseveltstraat 29 Kloosterzande NL 4587la Multi Language Site: Google Language Translator is not compatible for multi-language feed. You can not make feed for each language. Supported multi-language plugins are WPML & Polylang. Multi Currency Site: Below Multi Currency Plugins are compatible with Woo Feed Pro. ? Currency Switcher WooCommerce by Aelia ? WooCommerce Currency Switcher by Realmag777 ? WooCommerce Multilingual ? Polylang WP DEBUG Status: WP_DEBUG is false. If you having any issue with the plugin then set WP_DEBUG to true so that you can find the issue from logs. You can learn more about debugging in WordPress from here. WP CRON: Ok Upload Directory: Ok - Writable. Cache Plugin Installed: WP Rocket plugin is installed on your site. Please make sure that feed file URL or directory is excluded from caching. If not excluded, your feed file may not be updated instantly after feed update. Please read this doc about: How to exclude feed file URL or Directory from caching? WordPress Multi Site: No Home Url: https://thedogcompany.nl Site Url: https://thedogcompany.nl Version: 6.6.1 Log Directory: /home/thedogcompany/domains/thedogcompany.nl/public_html/wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/ Log Directory Writable: Yes WP Version: 6.0 WP Multisite: No WP Memory Limit: 256 MB WP Debug Mode: No WP Cron: Yes Language: nl_NL Server Info: Apache/2 Php Version: 7.4.30 Php Post Max Size: 32 MB Php Max Execution Time: 120 Php Max Input Vars: 1.95 KB Curl Version: 7.71.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1d Suhosin Installed: No Max Upload Size: 32 MB Mysql Version: 5.7.38 Mysql Version String: 5.7.38-cll-lve Default Timezone: UTC Fsockopen Or Curl Enabled: Yes Soapclient Enabled: Yes Domdocument Enabled: Yes Gzip Enabled: Yes Mbstring Enabled: Yes Remote Post Successful: Yes Remote Post Response: 200 Remote Get Successful: Yes Remote Get Response: 200 Flatsome Child: 3.0 (Latest:0) IP2Location Redirection (IP2Location): 1.25.17 Gravity Forms (Gravity Forms): 2.6.3 Advanced Custom Fields (Delicious Brains): 5.12.2 Affiliates Manager WooCommerce Coupons Integration (wp.insider, affmngr): 1.0.3 Affiliates Manager MailPoet Integration (wp.insider): 1.0.1 WP Affiliate Manager (wp.insider, wpaffiliatemgr): 2.9.11 Antispam Bee (pluginkollektiv): 2.11.1 ATUM Voorraadbeheer voor WooCommerce (Stock Management Labs ?): Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce | WooCommerce Waitlist Pro (codewoogeek): 3.0 Better Search Replace (Delicious Brains): 1.4 Betaalpoort-gebaseerde vergoedingen en kortingen voor WooCommerce (Tyche Softwares): 2.6.4 Count-IT (Count-IT): 1.0.1 WooCommerce Waardebon Generator (Jeroen Sormani): 1.2.0 Aangepaste Bestel status voor WooCommerce (Tyche Softwares): 2.1.1 Customer Reviews for WooCommerce (CusRev): 4.44 Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce (Disable Bloat): 3.0.3 GTM4WP (Thomas Geiger): 1.16 Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions (FantasticPlugins): 3.4 EU/UK VAT for WooCommerce Pro (WPWhale): 2.7 Facebook for WooCommerce (Facebook): 2.6.16 Font Awesome (Font Awesome): 4.2.0 Gift Hunt (Ecommerce Platforms): 1.0.4 Google Language Translator (Translate AI Multilingual Solutions): 6.0.15 HookMeUp - Extra inhoud voor WooCommerce (GetBowtied): 1.3.5 OMGF (Daan from FFW.Press): 5.2.2 Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer (Kadence WP): 1.5.2 Loco Translate (Tim Whitlock): 2.6.2 MailPoet 3 Premium (New) (MailPoet): 3.91.0 MailPoet 3 (New) (MailPoet): 3.91.0 Metricool (Metricool): 1.14 Mollie-betalingen voor WooCommerce (Mollie): 7.2.0 Nobuna Plugins (Nobuna): 2.6 One Stop Shop for WooCommerce (vendidero): 1.2.4 Perfect Brands for WooCommerce (QuadLayers): 2.1.4 Pinterest for WooCommerce (WooCommerce): 1.2.1 Redirection (John Godley): 5.2.3 Safe SVG (10up): 2.0.2 Sendcloud | Smart Shipping Service (Sendcloud B.V.): 2.2.5 Tawk.to Live Chat (Tawkto): 0.7.2 Use Any Font (Dnesscarkey): 6.2.94 CTX Feed (WebAppick): 4.4.68 WebP Express (Bj?rn Rosell): 0.25.5 Woo Custom Stock Status (Softound Solutions): 1.3.0 Woo Discount Rules PRO 2.0 (Flycart): 2.4.3 Woo Discount Rules (Flycart): 2.4.3 WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit (George Iron): 5.0.1 Billink - afterpayment services (Tussendoor internet & marketing): 2.1.6 WooCommerce Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite (SkyVerge): 3.10.2 WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration (WooCommerce): 1.5.10 WooCommerce Memberships (SkyVerge): 1.23.0 WooCommerce MyParcel (MyParcel): 4.12.2 WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips (WP Overnight): 3.0.0 WooCommerce Product Bundles (SomewhereWarm): 6.10.3 WooCommerce Subscriptions (WooCommerce): 4.4.0 WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping (Bolder Elements): 4.3.3 WooCommerce Wholesale Prices (Rymera Web Co): 2.1.4 WooCommerce (Automattic): 6.6.1 Yoast SEO (Team Yoast): 19.2 WP Rocket (WP Media): 3.11.4 WP Overnight Sidekick (WP Overnight): 2.5.1 Yoast SEO: WooCommerce (Team Yoast): 14.9 Feed Files https://thedogcompany.nl/wp-content/uploads/woo-feed/google/xml/googlefeed.xml https://thedogcompany.nl/wp-content/uploads/woo-feed/pinterest/xml/Pinterest.xml https://thedogcompany.nl/wp-content/uploads/woo-feed/tiktok/csv/tiktok.csv https://thedogcompany.nl/wp-content/uploads/woo-feed/google/xml/website-18-9-21.xml Fatal Errors No Logs Found.
And the screenshot is here https://snipboard.io/jdDa50.jpg
Hello @katfrajoe
The possible reason you are getting the availability issue is due to the Backorder/Preorder items. If a product is on Backorder/Preorder, it’s mandatory to add a date the product will be available according to Google’s feed specifications. So, You need to make sure that all the products on Backorder have an availability date. To know how you can add this to your feed, Please, follow the below steps –
1. First, add the availability date to the backorder products from here.
2. Now, make sure to add the availability date attribute to the feed as shown here.Following the above steps should add availability data to the items on backorder as you can see here on our demo feed.
Configure the feed as shown above and reupload it to GMC and let us know if it helped you to resolve the availability issue.
Thank you,
I don’t have a availability date box. Looks like it’s not a standard woocommerce version?
Hi @katfrajoe
Sorry, we have missed mentioning it. Availability date is a custom field that can be added using our plugin’s custom field or any other custom field plugin.
To add this field using our plugin, Go to –
CTX Settings > Custom fields > Enable Availability Date from the listOnce the avialability date field is enabled, you should find the custom field on the WooCommerece product form under inventory tab.
Please, let us know if it helped you to resolve the issue.
Thank you,
Thanks we added the field however it requires a date. Most of these products are on pre order so within 7 days for example.Is there any way to solve this as there is no fixed date.
Hi @katfrajoe
Yes, you can solve this by applying a filter hook (some code) into your child themes functions.php, or you can use the code snippet plugin to execute the code below./** * @param string $availability_date * @param \WC_Product $product * @param array $config Feed Configuration * * @return string */ function woo_feed_filter_product_availability_date_callback( $availability_date, $product, $config ) { if ( empty( $availability_date ) && $product->is_on_backorder() ) { $availability_date = gmdate( 'c', strtotime( '+7 days' ) ); } return $availability_date; } add_filter( 'woo_feed_filter_product_availability_date', 'woo_feed_filter_product_availability_date_callback' );
Is there a fault in there?
It’s giving me this message:
syntax error, unexpected ‘;’Hi @katfrajoe
Have you copied the code properly? I can’t see any issue. Copy the full code and try again.
Well I copied it from the email since the page isn’t showing it in full. Tried it four times.
/** * @param string $availability_date * @param \WC_Product $product * @param array $config Feed Configuration * * @return string */ function woo_feed_filter_product_availability_date_callback( $availability_date, $product, $config ) { if ( empty( $availability_date ) && $product->is_on_backorder() ) { $availability_date = gmdate( 'c', strtotime( '+7 days' ) ); } return $availability_date; } add_filter( 'woo_feed_filter_product_availability_date', 'woo_feed_filter_product_availability_date_callback' );
Hi @katfrajoe
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Due to some forum guidelines, you are requested to create a support ticket here.
Thank you.
@ansarybadal I created a support ticket on the 1st of august and am still awaiting a reply. Also send a reminder on the 5th without a reply.
Hi @katfrajoe
Sorry for the delay. We will be following up on your ticket within the next 24hrs.
Still awaiting your reply
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