I haven’t been able to find any relevant forum for discussing issues with Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
That is because this is a design issue, and all design issues are theme-specific. And you’ll only find discussions on free themes downloadable from www.ads-software.com here. Commercial products are not supported here at all, but by their respective vendors.
The above the fold content jumps, and I can’t seem to figure out the way to fix it. I need help with fixing this issue.
Would have loved to be able to play with your theme and see what tweaks can be made to solve this problem.
Unfortunately, you’re using a commercial theme (Divi), and WordPress support volunteers here at www.ads-software.com don’t have access to your theme files. This makes it impossible for us to install your theme, test things out, and provide any meaningful assistance to you.
Your best bet is to contact your commercial theme’s authors for assistance. They built the theme, and are in the best position to help you out. Please see: https://www.elegantthemes.com/contact/
Good luck!