• Resolved John


    Hi folks,

    Getting this error today when the plugin tries to update list:

    WordPress WSRS: error when getting blacklist: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

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  • Hello, I’m having the same error, EVEN WITH THE PLUGIN DEACTIVATED. How is this possible? Is it leaving anything hardcoded within WP?

    Unable to get referrals spam blacklist: cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'wielo.co'

    Plugin Author kwielo



    I am really sorry for the trouble.

    This issue was caused by expired SSL certificate that, for unknown for me reasons, did not renewed. I have reported this to my service provider and eventually took care of it.

    There should be no more errors related to SSL. Again, sorry for the problems that this caused.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter John


    No problem, you are welcome, many thanks!

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