• Resolved Karolina_N



    I have the plugin working and everything is good.

    But since I have installed a currency switcher for the site it is not working so well.

    The price changes and in Klarna the currency comes in as SEK or NOK accordingly to what I have choosed in the cart.

    But when clicking paypal button it still shows SEK even though the price is changed to the NOK or DKK currency.

    In the settings window for this plugin it says nothing about currencys so I do not know if it has to do with the plugin or the settings in woocommerce.

    Have you had anyone else with a currencyswitcher that has mase this work somehow? ??


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  • Plugin Contributor angelleye


    I’m not sure I follow you entirely with what you’re doing, but I can tell you I haven’t had any feedback from anybody else having problems with currencies.

    I’m not familiar with Klarna. Are they just a company that provides WooCommerce stores, or are they a plugin provider, or what exactly?

    Thread Starter Karolina_N


    Well Klarna is a third party comapny and they have a plugin for woocommerce I will show you what I’m doing. ??

    Here is me paying with my regular swedish currency

    And here is me trying to pay with danish currency

    This is the settings in woocommerce general

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    I see. Our plugin is currently configured to simply take the currency that WooCommerce has configured. I have not ever used the currency switcher plugin you’re referring to so I can’t say for sure why it’s not working other than it must not be adjusting the actual WC value, which is why the plugin isn’t picking it up.

    I would have to focus specifically on this other plugin and figure out how to get our plugin working with it nicely. This would require a premium support ticket.

    Sorry I don’t have a better immediate answer for you.

    It may be possible that the issue is depending on how the currency is passed to the payment plugin. We developed our own Currency Switcher in 2013 and we had to deal with a similar issue.

    Advice: keep in mind that WooCommerce, out of the box , is strictly a “single currency” system, therefore you may encounter odd issues while using multi-currency products.

    @angelleye We are now reviewing this payment plugin to see if the same issue would occur with our product. In case, we will look for a solution and contact you to discuss it, then add your plugin to our recommended list of payment plugins. ??

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    @diego, great, let me know if I can help! Thanks!

    @angelleye I will download and install your plugin, so we can see what the issue might be.

    If the PayPal plugin will have to be modified, we will try to implement a generic solution, but we will be testing any fix only with our own Currency Switcher. Nothing against the author of the other plugin, but we can’t afford to troubleshoot his product as well, since it’s our direct competitor. ??

    Thread Starter Karolina_N



    That is so great! Does your currency switcher work with Klarna checkout too? In that case I will use yours instead.


    WPML will contact you to see if there is something they can do to make this work.

    @karolina_n our Currency Switcher has been working with any payment plugin our customers used so far. It’s “agnostic” from that perspective, and, as long as the payment plugin takes into account the order currency, everything will be fine.

    I would be confident enough to say that if Klarna works with the plugin you are using now, then it will work with ours (there is over a year of work behind it, it’s very flexible and compatible).

    @angelleye good news: we can confirm that the issue is what we thought, and that our solution works as expected. We will run some tests and get in touch with a fix. ??

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    @diego, great! My plugin is available on GitHub if you want to create a branch and make some adjustments for me to review.

    @diego, great! My plugin is available on GitHub if you want to create a branch and make some adjustments for me to review.

    Done already. ??
    Will do some tests and send a pull request. Once everything will have been tested, and if you agree, I will add your payment plugin to the officially compatible ones in our knowledge base: Which payment gateways/plugins are compatible with the Currency Switcher?, so people will know that it works “out of the box”.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    @diego, I sent you a message back on GitHub.

    @karolina_n, we’re getting this worked out, but it will probably be another couple of weeks before I get my new version released. Just letting you know.

    @angelleye I saw your reply on Github, thanks. I also took the liberty of sending Karolina the patched version, so that she can already start using it. I also informed her that it’s unofficial, but it should work fine (we applied the same fix to a dozen payment plugins in the past).

    This is Mercedes from WPML compatibility team. Would you like to join us here so that we can work on making our 2 plugins work together?


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