• Resolved djwilko12


    Is there a way to add a currency switcher at the checkout? In this way, the user could change the order′s total amount to another currency and pay using that chosen currency.
    It would be very useful.

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  • Plugin Support mediawebster



    Yes. You can add it as shortcode [woocs] or the WOOCS widget

    Thread Starter djwilko12


    Thanks!! Seems to work… we need to find a way to place it correctly and give some desing to the checkout page…
    Anyway, how can we do in order to show some products in the base currency, but just a few of them in another currency? I mean, without switching between currencies, being able to show some products in USD and some in EURO?
    If you add them both to the cart, they are automatically converted into the base currency.

    Plugin Support mediawebster



    I think it’s possible. But you need code customization

    Thread Starter djwilko12


    can we do it?
    If you provide me your emaial address we can contact in private

    Plugin Support mediawebster



    Sorry, I do not do custom work.

    You can use a similar code:

    // check current product and assign currency
    global $WOOCS;
    //OR $WOOCS->set_currency(‘EUR’);

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