Method settings:
?Enabled: yes
?Method Title: КазПочта
?Method Description: Стоимость зависит от веса
?Tax status: None
?Costs includes tax: no
?Free Shipping: 25
?Free Shipping Label: Free
?'Left to free shipping' notice: no
?Rules Calculation: Sum
?Cart Calculation: Cart value
?Visibility (Show only for logged in users): no
?Default: no
?Debug mode: yes
Integration: none
Contents value: 19.23 EUR
Contents weight: 0,43 кг
Rule 1:
? ?Condition: Weight;
? ?Matched items: Трамп и эпоха постправды (qty: 1)
? ?Matched items cost: 19 EUR
? ?Matched items weight: 0,43 кг
? ?Rule costs:
? ? rule cost is: 15
? ?Calculated rule cost: 15 EUR
Used and displayed in the cart/checkout: yes
Calculated shipping cost: 15 EUR
Free shipping: no
Shipping method ID: flexible_shipping_single:25
Shipping method title: КазПочта
Shipping cost added.
Method settings:
?Enabled: yes
?Method Title: КазПочта
?Method Description: Стоимость зависит от веса
?Tax status: None
?Costs includes tax: no
?Free Shipping: 25
?Free Shipping Label: Free
?'Left to free shipping' notice: no
?Rules Calculation: Sum
?Cart Calculation: Cart value
?Visibility (Show only for logged in users): no
?Default: no
?Debug mode: yes
Integration: none
Shop currency: EUR
Cart currency: RUB
Contents value: 2272.37 RUB
Contents weight: 0,43 кг
Rule 1:
? ?Condition: Weight;
? ?Matched items: Трамп и эпоха постправды (qty: 1)
? ?Matched items cost: 2272 RUB
? ?Matched items weight: 0,43 кг
? ?Rule costs:
? ? rule cost is: 15
? ?Calculated rule cost: 15 EUR
Used and displayed in the cart/checkout: yes
Calculated shipping cost: 15 EUR
Free shipping: yes
Shipping cost after free shipping applied: 0
Shipping method ID: flexible_shipping_single:25
Shipping method title: КазПочта (Free)
Shipping cost added.
First withi euro , second – with rub