• Resolved VisedFAQ


    Hello! I’d like to know if following is possible with Elementor Pro. We have a list of products (sushi rolls), the products also have a custom attribute called Ingredients and each product has different ingredients. Also, each ingredient has an ACF image attached. I’d like to display the list of ingredients for each specific product. From my research, I wasn’t able to find such feature in Elementor Pro, because it doesn’t allow “current query” option for taxonomies, only for general Products and Posts. So, it’s either I display all ingredients at once, or none at all. Any way this can be avoided so I can display the ingredients that are actually attached for a specific product?

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  • Plugin Support Richard from Elementor



    Thank you for reaching out. Can you please let me know which widget you are using for the query? Is this for the single product template or the product archive template?


    Have a great day!
    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter VisedFAQ


    Hi @richardk23

    I’m talking about the Loop Grid widget inside the Single Product template. So, imagine we have an Ingredients attribute for Products, each ingredient has an ACF image attached to it. On a single product, we want to display the list of ingredients as an image (the ACF one we attached earlier).

    The current limitation is that, if we for example have 5 ingredients on website in total, and some specific product has 2 ingredients attached to it, the Loop Grid set up for Ingredients taxonomy on the single product page will always show all 5 global ingredients, not 2 set for our specific product. Even if product has zero ingredients in the back-end, it will still display 5 on the front-end. Hope I made myself clear here ????

    Plugin Support Richard from Elementor



    Thank you for your reply. My apologies; the post title should have given it away! ??

    The Loop Grid only has the “current query” for the posts/products layout; unfortunately, it does not for post/product tags or categories:
    I understand what you would like to achieve, and I was thinking of workarounds for this scenario. It would be possible to create single product templates depending on the sushi rolls and their ingredients and use the display conditions accordingly (to ACF taxonomies) of the template. This way, you could show the ingredients of each sushi roll type. I know this is not ideal, but the loop grid currently does not include the current query for tags and categories. I apologize for the inconvenience, and hopefully, we can implement this soon.

    If you set the Layout to Products, would this not work: https://prnt.sc/NF_IRTiF9leb?

    We welcome any feedback on GitHub/Feature Request: https://github.com/orgs/elementor/discussions/categories/feature-request

    If you are a Pro subscriber, we also recommend opening a support ticket for another look. If no other workaround is found, the agents can add this as a feature request.

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter VisedFAQ


    Hi @richardk23 ,

    Thanks for clarification. I’ve found out that it’s possible to achieve what we desire with this plugin.

    It would be great to see such feature added in Elementor core Loop Grid, for sure.

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