• Resolved aldemarcalazans


    I have a plugin called WP-ServerInfo, that gives me the correct date and time of the server, which are always matching with date and time of my local station.

    When I compare this date and time information with the one caught by Cyan plugin, there is a difference of 3 hours!

    I wonder if it could cause any schedule inconsistency.


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  • Plugin Author Greg Ross


    It could, check your WordPress timezone setting. It is on the Settings->General tab in WordPress.

    CYAN backup will use this to display your scheduled backup time.

    Thread Starter aldemarcalazans


    I forgot to say: I have a multisite installation and, in that case, there is no way to set the timezone through WordPress interface.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    You can still set the timezone on a per site basis through the settings->General page for each site.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


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