• Resolved GoGoNano



    I have question about cusrev shortcode. Whenever I use it within blog post or for custom page, it does display reviews fine but with WPML the product links under the reviews are kind of broken and leads to 301 redirect.

    Is there any workaround or suggestions for this? The idea is that if I use cusrev shortcode to display reviews, the product link under the reviews would redirect to correct page depending on the website language.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support pear8398



    Thank you for using CusRev.

    I try to reproduce the issue on our demo site but the product URL in the translation language works correctly in the shortcode review section.

    On your site, I notice that the product URL in the review section in English language is
    while it should be

    the product base slug isn’t correct. You can try to remove the review section and re-add it, clear all cache and check the issue again.

    Thread Starter GoGoNano



    Thank you for the reply. I tried to remove the section and re-add with cache clearing but the slug still is wrong.

    I’m using short code cusrev_reviews_grid to display reviews. Using product ID that is assigned to Estonian product. That’s why the slug is in Estonian “tooted”. Its wierd that the slug is not changed according to site language.

    When language is changed, the product name is changing but the slug stays based on included product. So if I add Estonian product ID the product base slug stays in Estonian. Something is not right. Maybe I’m displaying them somehow wrong or is there conflict between WPML?

    Thread Starter GoGoNano


    Checking in if there has been any update about this issue? I have tried everything but it seems like the URL base slugs does not get translated.

    Thread Starter GoGoNano


    Tried again to remove the shortcode for reviews and cleared the cache. The issue still remains. The URLs base is not correct on linked product. It should show original product link where review was added(in original language). Or link to product with currently chosen language. Right now it kind of messes up. When original language is chosen some of the links are correct but if the review was added under different language, it again messes up the link.

    Have there been any similar issues reported with WPML?

    Plugin Support pistachio6321


    Thanks for providing additional information.

    Our plugin uses the standard WordPress function https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/get_permalink/ to retrieve URL of a product to display in the shortcode. WPML should be modifying the standard behavior of the get_permalink function according to the language of the website. And, WPML seems to be doing it correctly on our test site.

    As the next step of troubleshooting, you might want to reach out to the WPML team, share with them the information above, and ask to have a look at this problem. Please keep this topic updated with any further information.

    Plugin Support bagel1317


    We haven’t heard from you for more than two weeks. For this reason, I’ll assume that either you are not interested in this question/problem anymore or it has been resolved. If you still require any help, please start a new forum topic.

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