Custom Ajax Query with template
I’m trying to create custom query with Ajax. Actually it’s working if I write custom code for title, links, featured image, description etc but If I want to use events calendar template, it’s not working.
? global $post;
? $search = strval( $_POST['search'] );
? $posts_per_page = 2;
? $paged = isset( $_POST['paged'] ) ? intval( $_POST['paged'] ) : 1;
? $args = [
? ? ? 'post_status' ? ?=> 'publish',
? ? ? 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page,
? ? ? 's' ? ? ? ? ? ? ?=> $search,
? ? ? 'sentence' ? ? ? => true,
? ? ? 'ends_after' ? ? => 'now',
? ? ? 'paged' ? ? ? ? ?=> $paged,
? ];
? $events = tribe_get_events( $args );
? // make 2nd query to get all relevant posts and use it in 'max_num_pages'
? $found_args = $args;
? $found_args['fields'] = 'ids';
? $found_args['posts_per_page'] = -1;
? $found_events = tribe_get_events( $found_args );
? ob_start();
? ?>
? <?php foreach ( $events as $event ) : ?>
? ? <?php setup_postdata( $event ); ?>
/***** This Template is not working ***/
<?php $this->template( 'list/event', [ 'event' => $event ] ); ?>
? <?php endforeach;
? $content_html = ob_get_contents();
? ob_end_clean();
? wp_reset_query();
? $response = array(
? ? ? 'content_html' ?=> $content_html,
? ? ? 'max_num_pages' => ceil( count( $found_events ) / $posts_per_page ),
? );
? wp_send_json( $response );If I use include or similar, it also not working
$template_path = locate_template( 'tribe/events/v2/list/event.php' );
if ( !empty( $template_path ) ) {
include $template_path;
} else {
echo '<p>Event template not found.</p>';
}I already copied template file in the right directory. Query is working if I write a code:
echo $event->title;
but I need whole template with right class / div etc. I don’t want to create it manually. I need event calendar event template.
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