Custom Commands not saving
I run a film review website.
I’m using TablePress for the database.
Everything was working great, but now the additional Custom Commands our programmer created is not saving in the “Custom Commands” section.
Before, it would format the date, and it would also create a link from the movie_post_id column our programmer created.
The current links are ones I added to link to a different type of review (audio vs written). Hiding or unhiding the columns doesn’t fix the issue.Now, if we save the Custom Commands, they will be there, but if we re-open the table, the code is gone. Below is the code that is ALWAYS in the Custom Commands, followed by our code. Do you have any advice? Could we save the code in the ftp drive folders anywhere? Do you think the Table is simply too big (it loads very slowly) and that could be causing the error? I’ve loved TablePress, hope we can continue using it, and looks forward to donating once this issue is figured out. Here is the code (yours and mine) …
“columnDefs”:[{“fnRender”:function(oObj){if (typeof oObj.aData[0] !== “undefined” && oObj.aData[0].length>0){return ““+oObj.aData[2]+”“;}else{return oObj.aData[2];}},”bUseRendered”:false,”targets”:[2]},{“visible”:false,”targets”:[0]},{“fnRender”:function(oObj){return oObj.aData[1].replace(/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/,”$2/$3/$1″);},”bUseRendered”:false,”targets”:[1]}],”autoWidth”:false
“aoColumnDefs”:[{“fnRender”:function(oObj) {if (typeof oObj.aData[0] !== “undefined” && oObj.aData[0].length > 0) {return “” + oObj.aData[1] + ““;} else {return oObj.aData[1];}},”bUseRendered”:false,”aTargets”:[1]},{“bVisible”:false,”aTargets”:[0]},{“fnRender”:function(oObj) {return oObj.aData[3].replace(/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/, “$2/$3/$1″);},”bUseRendered”:false,”aTargets”:[3]}],”bAutoWidth”:false
Jeff Bayer
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