• Hello, thank you for your work.

    I am trying to use the plugin to get information about new reservations from the WP Booking Calendar plugin. Is it possible to configure or modify the Make Connector plugin to get these reservations as a connection type, in the way it gets posts, pages, template parts etc.? (I am willing to do some coding if it is necessary, but I need a hint.) Thank you very much.


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  • Hi Petr.

    Here’s the answer from our dev team:

    Short answer: tentative yes

    this should be defined in our plugin by?settings > object-types > class-post-meta.php?which collates objects from DB with the?post?prefix. This can likely be achieved by changing the code there, or in the WP Booking Calendar plugin to ensure objects from there are created with the?post?prefix

    However, it is worth noting that if the structure of the object (fields) itself is fundamentally different, our modules may not work properly – I mean maybe these objects are not?posts?for a reason, after all

    This is not just a question about OUR plugin but also about the WP Booking Calendar plugin – it might be best to discuss in WP dev forums for instance. We’d need to understand how that plugin works in a bit more detail in order to be sure about anything

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