Hi Chuckie! You can take a look at this blog post for a more thorough answer to your question, but the short answer is that, unfortunately, Loops & Logic isn’t just a plug-and-play replacement for Custom Content Shortcode. Instead, L&L is more like a reimagining of CCS and uses an HTML-like syntax that’s a lot more flexible than what CCS’s shortcode-based syntax allowed for.
The good news is that a lot of the query parameters you would have used in CCS are written the same way (or in a very similar way) in L&L. The other good news is that while CCS was only able to work with specific parameters/attributes that were built into the plugin, L&L is an extension of HTML which means that it allows you to work with all the standard HTML tags and CSS styling workflows that are well-accepted and conveniently documented.
If you decide to venture into the world of L&L, there are a some articles on the L&L blog that should help you get started. And if you ever run into issues, there’s a small but active community to help you troubleshoot your markup over on the L&L forum.
I hope that answers your question!