• Resolved cozbaldwin


    Oh please someone better have an answer for me….

    After upgrading to 4.7, all my custom CSS I had in the jetpack plugin was lost. Now it’s in this WP customizer sidebar without the ability to revert back to previous versions of the stylesheet.

    Can anyone tell me how I can get it all back?

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  • Thread Starter cozbaldwin


    OK, I was able to dig into the database and locate the last save of “safecss” in the “_posts” table, after doing some research.

    But really? If you’re going to move the module around like this, at least ensure it’s going to carry over the CSS we’ve already put in the old CSS module.

    *sigh of relief*

    Yeah, hade problems too. Got som really nasty errors showing in both admin and on front-facing site – not cool!

    I deactivated the Jetpack Custom CSS and everything was okey again. For me though I found the CSS in the customizer too, but all the CSS was there. Would’ve liked to be able to access it through the menus though without having to go to the customizer…

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thank you both for the reports!

    Now it’s in this WP customizer sidebar without the ability to revert back to previous versions of the stylesheet.

    There has been a big change now that WordPress includes its own CSS editor in the Customizer. Here’s more details in WordPress’s release post:

    WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan”

    If you use Jetpack 4.4.2+ and WordPress 4.7+, Jetpack plays nice with the new editor: Jetpack’s old full-width CSS editor redirects to the new customizer tab, where you can edit your CSS and see those changes in the preview instantly. The CSS that was available in Jetpack’s CSS editor should be ported to WordPress’ new CSS tool, and saved as such.

    We’ve also ported our own special features (CSS Preprocessing, Custom content width, Revisions, …) into the customizer, inside that tab. So you should be able to go back to previous versions of your Custom CSS by clicking on the history button in the new editor. A new page should load where you can browse through past revisions. Here is a quick gif to demonstrate the feature:

    If that’s not available on your site, you might have found a bug!

    Could you let me know exactly what’s available to you right now, when running Jetpack 4.4.2 and WordPress 4.7?

    Got som really nasty errors showing in both admin and on front-facing site – not cool!

    @lauhakari That’s definitely not cool! That’s not something that came up during beta testing, but we obviously missed something! Do you remember what the errors were, or would you be able to recreate them? If we knew more about them, we should be able to fix them.

    I deactivated the Jetpack Custom CSS and everything was okey again. For me though I found the CSS in the customizer too, but all the CSS was there.

    That’s indeed the expected behaviour. When using both Jetpack 4.4.2 and WordPress 4.7, we migrate your existing Custom CSS from Jetpack to the new WordPress editor, so even if you were to deactivate Jetpack’s Custom CSS module, you wouldn’t lose any data.

    Would’ve liked to be able to access it through the menus though without having to go to the customizer…

    Thanks for the feedback! We have an open GitHub issue where we’d like to hear from you as we’re aware the experience of using Custom CSS within WordPress and the Customizer has changed dramatically from what you might have been used to in Jetpack. You can find this issue here and add your thoughts for our development team: https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/5828

    Any updates will be posted to that issue.

    Again, thank you both for the reports and feedback.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Jeremy Herve.
    Thread Starter cozbaldwin


    Thanks for the info and attention.

    I’m personally OK with the new module being wrapped inside the customizer. The customizer makes me nervous but that’s just due to prior wonkiness with it in old versions. Upon install of WP 4.7, however, my CSS did not port over. It had no FULL HISTORY button either. It does now, but only showing what’s happened since the 4.7 install.

    Not sure I’d be a good subject for bug-finding though. I had an issue during by 4.7 upgrade where my server timed out (as it usually does) so I was left with the persistent “An Upgrade is currently in progress” warning when I tried to restart the upgrade.

    Sooooo… I had to then start a manual upgrade. So either the stalled upgrade screwed things up, or the manual overwrite of old files did. Or… yes, maybe it was a bug. But with those 2 wrenches in the way, I don’t think anyone would be able to pinpoint where it went wrong.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thanks for the extra details. That upgrade failure might have messed things up, but it’d be nice if we could implement a work-around so you (or anyone) could start the migration again later on.

    Would you mind walking me through the steps you followed to reach that bad conclusion, so I could try to reproduce on my end by running a manual upgrade?
    Did you update to Jetpack 4.4.2 before to update WordPress, or did you do that afterwards? Did you update the plugin via the WordPress updater, or manually?


    Thread Starter cozbaldwin


    Gosh, I can’t be 100% certain of this but my normal routine is to upgrade the plugins before the WP upgrade. I’m 90% sure that’s the order taken in this instance. (I’m not savvy enough to know where this is logged) Therefore:

    I upgraded the plugin using the wordpress updater to 4.4.2. (Quite certain I had not skipped a version of Jetpack before this upgrade).
    Then immediately started the WP upgrade from 4.6 to 4.7. Timed out. Then began manual upgrade to 4.7.

    Did NOT follow directions explicitly, as I did NOT delete the old wp-includes and wp-admin directories first. Instead, just drag-and-dropped the new files on top of the old ones with an “overwrite all files” option checked on my FTP application.

    This really is not good, you should have left the old editor in place there is not enough room in the customiser, all my custom css is gone, why didn’t it appear in the customiser version ?

    I have disabled your css editor now and installed a differant one, changing for changing sake is not professional !!!

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @cozbaldwin Thanks for the extra details! I’ll give that a try, and see if I can recreate the issue.

    @simonothen As I mentioned earlier, the new CSS editor is not powered by Jetpack: it’s a WordPress feature. We’ve chosen to migrate Jetpack’s Custom CSS module into the new WordPress CSS functionality to avoid duplicating features, but evidently that migration didn’t work for you. Could you walk me through the steps you followed to upgrade Jetpack and WordPress, as @cozbaldwin did above? Did you upgrade manually like he did?


    Let me know if it would be best for me to create a new thread. I figured I would chime in here since I am experiencing some of the same issues.

    The JetPack CSS editor did not successfully migrate for me and I do not see the history button shown in your gif. I was running JetPack 4.4.2 prior to updating to WordPress 4.7.

    I believe the problem for me is that my theme had a custom CSS section built into it under Appearance->Customize->Custom CSS. I installed JetPack because I didn’t like the CSS editor that came with my theme. When I click Edit CSS under Appearance, like I used to prior to WordPress 4.7, I am taken to Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS, Which looks like this Screenshot 01. If I navigate to Appearance->Customize->Custom CSS, it looks like this Screenshot 02.

    At this point, it seems like WordPress 4.7, my theme (WPLMS), and JetPack may be fighting for the same custom CSS access point under Appearance->Edit CSS. That’s just my hunch at the moment as I’m still trying to figure out exactly what is going on and what I should be seeing. My website seems to still be accessing the JetPack Custom CSS file from the server, but I do not see any of my custom CSS in wp-admin.

    I had a similar issue – glad to see it wasn’t just me. In my case, about half of my 500+ lines of CSS migrated over, so it wasn’t entirely lost, but missing enough to mess with the appearance. I was able to use a copy of my custom CSS and paste it into the editor to resolve it, but wanted to make someone aware of it.

    I forgot to mention that I did not do a manual upgrade to WP 4.7.

    Well I am using another css editor now but I think you should reconsider your opinion that you are duplicating, the editor in the customiser might be a good quick tool but it is not a replacement !

    Oh and I updated the plugins first then updated to 4.7 as always

    If somebody does it the other way around then they need to rethink thier strategy lol

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @nathanielbessent That’s super interesting, I didn’t think a theme could come and create conflicts here. Does your theme offer an option to disable its CSS tab? If so, do you start seeing CSS under Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS?

    If you don’t have that option, could you check for Javascript errors on the Customizer page as explained here:

    It might also be good to try to switch to one of the default themes, like Twenty Sixteen, for a few minutes, to see if the problem is really a conflict between WordPress’ CSS and your theme’s CSS tab.

    Let me know what you find!

    @wrightgj Thanks for jumping in. It would seem that your site lacked the resources to be able to run the full migration.

    When you try to edit your CSS now, how does the new CSS editor behave? Are you able to save your changes without any issues?

    Just to let you know I will not be enabling this module now as you have failed to appreciate what a developer needs, a separate full screen editor … Maybe you will reverse your decision in the future … I’ll now use the other plugin that maintains a full screen editor

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