• I’ve been trying to create a clean, simple version of the data table. I’ve found some of the code in unexpected places and am wondering if I’m making this more complicated than it needs to be. Also, it needs to be reversed out text on no background color for anything. Basically, this is what I’d like:

    Show X entries
    Name ^ Size ^
    Filename size (in MB if possible not MiB)
    <Previous Next>

    Secondarily, since my site is responsive, I need to make sure that this will adjust as well. I haven’t tested it yet, so if it is, ignore this, but if it isn’t, where do I need to modify so it is?

    Any help is highly appreciated! I tried umpteen plugins before I found this and none of the other ones worked for what I wanted, so thanks!

    (where I’m testing at, so not really a live site: https://tinyurl.com/9sycl95)


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