• Resolved andriiwork


    Hello All. I have a small problem with datepicker.
    I want use custom datepicker.
    I use this snippet for disable all UM DatePicker. And add my custom datepicker. All work fine, but when I choose date in my datepicker, date change only visual. When I click registration button I have error in date input label.

    The same problem if I edit the user profile and change the date, it also changes only visually. After pressing the update profile button, the date remains as it was.

    add_filter( 'um_extend_field_classes', 'my_extend_field_classes', 10, 3 );
    	function my_extend_field_classes( $classes, $key, $data ) {
    		if ( $data['type'] == 'date' ) {
    			$classes .= 'customdatepicker ';
    		return $classes;
    function unload_um_styles(){
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  • @andriiwork

    Which date picker are you trying to use?
    I have recently integrated this date picker with UM:


    Thread Starter andriiwork


    Hello @missveronicatv

    I use InputWP datepicker, but I can use you integrated cf7 datepicker:)

    You have tutorial?

    Thread Starter andriiwork


    @missveronicatv Thanks for you help, I add you datepicker integration. But now I have wrong date format, I change date format in JS file “Y-m-d” to “d.m.Y” but its now work ??

    Thread Starter andriiwork


    Hello @missveronicatv I have a small solution ??
    Maybe you know how I can change format in “value” and “data-value”. (Add photo and use this snippets).

    In this input date format Y/m/d but in snippets I change format to d.m.Y

    add_action("um_registration_complete","um_change_date_format", 1, 2 );
    function um_change_date_format( $user_id, $args ){
        $date = get_user_meta( $user_id, "custom_date", true );
        update_user_meta( $user_id, "custom_date", date_i18n("d.m.Y", strtotime( $date ) ) );
    add_action("um_after_user_updated","um_update_date_format", 1, 2 );
    function um_update_date_format( $user_id, $args ){
        $date = get_user_meta( $user_id, "custom_date", true );
        update_user_meta( $user_id, "custom_date", date_i18n("d.m.Y", strtotime( $date ) ) );
    add_filter( "um_get_field_date", 'um_get_field_date_custom_format', 10, 1 );
    function um_get_field_date_custom_format( $array ) {
        $array['js_format'] = 'dd.mm.yyyy';
        $array['format_custom'] = 'd.m.Y';
        $array['format'] = 'd.m.Y';
        return $array;


    You can try to use a filter in the field_value function
    and modify the returned $value in class-fields.php line 803.

    Thread Starter andriiwork


    @missveronicatv I find solution for me ?? Thanks.
    I edit date format in class-fields.php – line 2649.

    May be you can help me, how I can add this code in Snippet. I don’t want edit original UM Plugin files.
    Thanks for help!

    					// Normalise date format.
    					$value = $this->field_value( $key, $default, $data );
    					if ( $value ) {
    						// numeric (either unix or YYYYMMDD). ACF uses Ymd format of date inside the meta tables.
    						if ( is_numeric( $value ) && strlen( $value ) !== 8 ) {
    							$unixtimestamp = $value;
    						} else {
    							$unixtimestamp = strtotime( $value );
    						// Ultimate Member date field stores the date in metatable in the format Y/m/d. Convert to it before echo.
    						//$value = date( 'Y/m/d', $unixtimestamp );
                            $value = date( 'd.m.Y', $unixtimestamp );


    You can try this code snippet.
    I have used the meta keys birth_date and date_picker in this example.
    The filter is "um_{$key}_form_edit_field"

    add_filter( 'um_birth_date_form_edit_field', 'um_date_form_edit_field_format', 10, 2 );
    add_filter( 'um_date_picker_form_edit_field', 'um_date_form_edit_field_format', 10, 2 );
    function um_date_form_edit_field_format( $output, $set_mode ) {
        $array = explode( '" data-value="', $output );
        if ( count ( $array ) == 2 ) {
            $last = explode( '"', $array[1] );
            $unixtimestamp = strtotime( $last[0] );
            $value = date( 'd.m.Y', $unixtimestamp );
            $output = str_replace( $last[0], esc_attr( $value ), $output );
        return $output;
    Thread Starter andriiwork


    @missveronicatv Thanks! You code work perfectly!

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