Custom Default Avatar Image Not Showing
The radio button and description displays but the image doesn’t. I am using this code in functions.php, after <?php and before
<?php }
// end functionif ( !function_exists(‘fb_addgravatar’) ) {
function fb_addgravatar( $avatar_defaults ) {
$myavatar = get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’).’/public_html/wp-content/themes/platformbase/images/avatar.png’;
//default avatar
$avatar_defaults[$myavatar] = ‘AceDoubleYou’;
return $avatar_defaults;
add_filter( ‘avatar_defaults’, ‘fb_addgravatar’ );
Thanks for you help. I found this plugin:
A plugin is ok, :).
Also I use another way to Cache avatar myself to speed to loading time.
see this:
/* Mini Gavatar Cache by Willin Kan. */ function my_avatar( $email, $size = '42', $default = '', $alt = false ) { $alt = (false === $alt) ? '' : esc_attr( $alt ); $f = md5( strtolower( $email ) ); $a = get_bloginfo('wpurl'). '/avatar/'. $f. '.jpg'; $e = ABSPATH. 'avatar/'. $f. '.jpg'; $t = 1209600; //set the time of caching image if ( empty($default) ) $default = get_bloginfo('template_directory'). '/img/default.jpg'; if ( !is_file($e) || (time() - filemtime($e)) > $t ){ //recreate the avatar cache image when the time is over 14 days $r = get_option('avatar_rating'); //$g = sprintf( "", ( hexdec( $f{0} ) % 2 ) ). '/avatar/'. $f. '?s='. $size. '&d='. $default. '&r='. $r; // wp 3.0 serve host $g = ''. $f. '?s='. $size. '&d='. $default. '&r='. $r; // use the fast host copy($g, $e); $a = esc_attr($g); } if (filesize($e) < 500) copy($default, $e); $avatar = "<img title='{$alt}' alt='{$alt}' src='{$a}' class='avatar avatar-{$size} photo' height='{$size}' width='{$size}' />"; return apply_filters('my_avatar', $avatar, $email, $size, $default, $alt); } // -- END --
1,I just added those code into myfunctions.php
2,i create a/avatar/
dir in my theme, and *important* I give a777
to this dir.
3,I put a default image into it. just likethen, I got all the functions works well, check this post[I’m sorry for the chinese words ?? ]:
Please make sure that you have a backup of
before any steps if you want try this.Thank you for the help everyone. This was the second discussion that showed up in my October, 2011 search for “custom default avatar.” The first one was two years old. But it did have something extra I liked: explanation “comments” inside the functions.php for future reference. So I went to wpbeginner as was kindly referenced here, used the code there, but added these comments.
/** * To add a custom default avatar to Settings > Discussion * Name it gravitaricon.gif and then upload it to * * And then download the following file * * and add this code using Wordpad or an HTML editor and upload accordingly. * Can also use .jpg if you change this code accordingly. */ add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', 'newgravatar' ); function newgravatar ($avatar_defaults) { $myavatar = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/images/gravataricon.jpg'; $avatar_defaults[$myavatar] = "WPBeginner"; return $avatar_defaults; }
Please note:
- I don’t know anything about PHP but this worked for me using the amazing theme Weaver 2.2.6
- On this computer I don’t have my trusty free editors installed. (HTML Kit and Kompozer.) So in such an event I was taught to use Notepad which usually works. But somehow that was almost unreadable even though yes I had ‘word wrap’ enabled. So maybe I was wrong to resort to Wordpad but it worked perfectly.
- I couldn’t find any mention “where” in functions.php to put the code so I put it at the very first available place in between comments.
P.S. I feel a moral obligation to point out…
- Call me a radical but the Gravatar default icons stink.
- I believe the best avatar is a hand drawing or a child’s drawing of the actual person. Or a photo wearing sunglasses. Or with hat, hands or hair partly over the eyes, or face turned away. Or a mechanically texturized photo as I made using the free GetPaint.Net. Enough for a friend to recognize you but not for a stranger readily to ID you. Then you have some honest feel of the human person without impinging on their privacy. I used to use photos of my pet cats, which is cute of course, but after several years I realized, I am not a cat. If you know what I mean.
- Meanwhile of course we need “default” avatars and cannot achieve the same feel for the individual. But how about a little general sense of respect and humanity?
- At the same time, the default gravatar needs to be somewhat “abstract” in feeling, because we do not want to attach a sense to the person that is not that person.
- So the worst default Gravatars are: the Wavatar and the Monster ID. These attach a specific sense of character to the person which is not that person and in addition is totally unhuman, demeaning and mechanical. It is even worse than what we used to call “Disney-fied,” as in cartoons of the seven dwarfs. Disney and Dr. Suess certainly helped to get us where we are. But these gravatars are the ultimate, products of a computer generation that fosters video game children who can bring guns to school and kill without remorse. While others are often overtaken by drug abuse, self-mutilation, anorexia or bulemia.
- In the early twentieth century, certain “scientists” theorized that the ideal way to bring up a child was as if in a plastic bubble without being touched. You can imagine the result. Well that is sort of what we are doing today, in bringing up children on computers. It always seems to take us at least 50 years to learn that things like cocaine, LSD and tobacco are not healthy. Someday I will write an article, “Is Facebook the new asbestos?”
- The “retro” is probably not so bad, I haven’t tried it. But it is obviously in-between in terms of bad taste.
- So I thought the “identicon” might work for my taste but it does not. This nicely achieves the goal of being “abstract,” while also lending a sense of difference for each person. But the Identicon also conveys a loud sense that is extremely, extremely inhuman, harsh and mechanical. This worked out even worse than the “Gravitar Logo” icon, and I think you can guess what I think of that.
- A “blank” icon certainly does nothing to lend an air of humans being present. So the only almost-tolerable out-of-box default choice is “mystery man.” What’s wrong with this? Well if you do not understand what I have been talking about, then please visit and find their version of the “mystery man.” It is extremely similar but please note the slight difference: it is a human profile, not a plastic Lego toy. And you can do much better…
- “Silhouette art” was fashionable in the 19th century. Hundreds of fine and artistic antique black-and-white silhouette icons are readily available in clip art albums. could organize these in 3 categories: male, female and also “no specific gender.” These could respond to a profile option of gender.
- Another option. A photograph of the planet Earth, with a small, empty, hand-drawn “speech balloon” appearing to emerge from a specific region. thus could recognize the IP and indicate where on earth the person is.
- Maybe there are already plug-ins for my suggestions? If so, someone please let me know! But I am not bothering to look because I like to minimize plug-ins. What my wordpress uses now (thanks to your help here) is simply a .jpg photo of the planet earth. This goes especially well with my topic of environmenatally-friendly investing. But I think it would work for any site.
</aging back-to-nature flower child ranting pointlessly to the cyber aliens who have burst from the abdomens of his own generation>
Thank you again everyone for your help. Even though we probably all have been taken over by pods and don’t even know we are only poor little borgs. But I do find one little spark of humanity on the internet. This is in the fact that my favorite CMS is called “WordPress” and not “Blogpress” or even “Blogpile.” ??
I had this same problem with the choice appearing in the settings > discussion dialogue but not the picture. It turns out, the problem was I was using a child theme and get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’) points to the parent theme directory. I fixed the problem by putting my custom default avatar in the parent theme’s image folder.
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